OpenACS 5-6 (CVS tag openacs-5-6-compat)

Packages can be installed with the OpenACS Automated Installer on your OpenACS site at /acs-admin/install. Only packages potentially compatible with your OpenACS kernel will be shown.

Core Packages

Package Description
acs-admin Site-Wide Administration:
An interface for Site-wide administration of an OpenACS Installation.

Provides a UI for administering site-wide services (including package installation, cache, authentication, and user accounts) for an OpenACS system.

acs-admin 5.6.0 released 2010-06-17 on GPL license by OpenACS
3: Mature and Standard
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acs-api-browser API Browser:
Interactive documentation for the Tcl and SQL APIs.

On line interactive documentation for the locally installed Tcl and SQL APIs. Links to the Tcl core and AOLServer online documentation as well.

acs-api-browser 5.6.0 released 2010-06-17 on GPL license by OpenACS
3: Mature and Standard
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acs-authentication Authentication:
Authentication, account management, and related functionality.

Implements authentication-related security functions for OpenACS, including password, account and session management, bulk account creation etc. Provides a contract based interface for different authentication methods such as PAM or LDAP based authentication.

acs-authentication 5.6.0 released 2010-06-17 on GPL version 2 license by Collaboraid
3: Mature and Standard
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acs-automated-testing Automated Testing:
The interface to the automated testing facilities within OpenACS.

Provides a UI for viewing and running automated tests provided by each package within the OpenACS system. Also provides a UI for managing automatic-rebuild servers as in a test farm.

acs-automated-testing 5.6.0 released 2010-06-17 on GPL version 2 license by OpenACS
3: Mature and Standard
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acs-bootstrap-installer Bootstrap Installer:
Bootstraps an OpenACS installation.

This package bootstraps OpenACS. If the core packages have not yet been installed, it calls the installer which leads the user through the steps necessary to do so. It also checks that the installation meets the requirements for a successful install of OpenACS.

acs-bootstrap-installer 5.6.0 released 2010-06-17 on GPL license by OpenACS
3: Mature and Standard
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acs-content-repository Content Repository:
The canonical repository for OpenACS content.

Provides the API for creating and managing user generated content including full support for versioning, rendering content to the filesystem, folders and composite content items, and other CMS backing functionality. Utilized by Bug Tracker, File Storage, and other packages.

acs-content-repository 5.6.0 released 2010-06-17 on GPL license by OpenACS
3: Mature and Standard
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acs-core-docs Documentation:
Documentation for the OpenACS Core.

Static HTML documentation for the OpenACS core (includes the DocBook sources).

acs-core-docs 5.6.0 released 2010-06-17 on GPL license by OpenACS
3: Mature and Standard
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acs-kernel Kernel:
Routines and data models providing the foundation for OpenACS-based Web services.

The OpenACS kernel contains the core datamodel create and drop scripts for such things as objects, groups, partiies and the supporting PL/SQL and PL/pgSQL procedures.

acs-kernel 5.6.0 released 2010-06-17 by OpenACS
3: Mature and Standard
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acs-lang Localization:
OpenACS Internationalization Support.

Internationalization and localization support routines and admin UI for manipulating Locales, request processor hooks, templating, accessing and managing the message catalog, and locale-specific formatting functions for localizing dates, times, monetary amounts etc.

acs-lang 5.6.0 released 2010-06-17 on GPL license by Collaboraid
3: Mature and Standard
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acs-mail-lite Mail Services Lite:
Simplified reliable email transmission with bounce management.

This package provides a service for sending messages, queueing messages in the database to ensure reliable sending and make sending a message 'transactional'. Replacement for acs-mail.

acs-mail-lite 5.6.0 released 2010-06-17 by OpenACS
2: Mature
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acs-messaging Messaging:
General messaging for bboard and general comments.

Provides generic message services, with email sending. acs-mail-lite and notifications are the prefered packages for delivering this functionality and it is anticipated that this package will ultimately be deprecated.

acs-messaging 5.6.0 released 2010-06-17 on GPL license by OpenACS
3: Mature and Standard
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acs-reference ACS Reference Data:
Tools and API for managing refrence data.

Reference Data provides an API to support:

  • A common set of reference data.
  • Running standard reports on this data.
  • Monitoring the usage of reference data.

acs-reference 5.6.0 released 2010-06-17 on GPL license by Mayuli Enterprises, LLC
3: Mature and Standard
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acs-service-contract Service Contracts:
API and UI for service contracts

Service contracts defines an API for the creation of interfaces and discovery of interface implementations. Examples are the contracts used for search which provide a means to get content on a given object and to translate an object_id to a url or the contracts used by dotlrn and new-portals to allow packages to provide portalized panes.

acs-service-contract 5.6.0 released 2010-06-17 on GPL version 2 license by OpenACS
3: Mature and Standard
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acs-subsite Subsite:

Provides for creating subsites within the OpenACS Community System. Aware of parties, groups, users, portraits. Can be themed via a per subsite master template.

acs-subsite 5.6.0 released 2010-06-17 on GPL license by OpenACS
3: Mature and Standard
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acs-tcl Tcl Library:
The Kernel Tcl API library.

Contains all the core Tcl API, including the request processor, security and session management, permissions, site-nodes, package management infrastructure, etc.

acs-tcl 5.6.0 released 2009-11-26 on GPL version 2 license by OpenACS
3: Mature and Standard
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acs-templating Templating:
Templating library.

The templating system provides the tag library and support routines that allow developers and graphic designers to work independently. Templates specify the layout of the page seperately from the contents of the page. Graphic designers work primarily on the layout part of the template (the template), while programmers work primarily a script that generates the the content part of the template (the code). In addition, the template system provides a way to use a single layout specification for many physical pages, so the overall layout of a site can be more easily administered.

acs-templating 5.6.0 released 2010-06-17 on GPL version 2 license by OpenACS
3: Mature and Standard
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acs-translations ACS Translation Storage:
Package for storing dynamic translations

Package for storing dynamic translations

acs-translations 5.6.0 released 2010-06-17
3: Mature and Standard
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intermedia-driver Intermedia Driver:
Search package callback implementation for Oracle Intermedia.

Implemented the search package callback interface for search engine driver using Oracle Intermedia.

intermedia-driver 5.6.0 released 2010-06-17
3: Mature and Standard
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notifications Notifications:
Email notifications management

Provides an API for packages to provide subscription based email notifications and handle replies. Used by forums, bug-tracker, etc. The currently prefered package for email notifications.

notifications 5.6.0 released 2010-06-17 by OpenACS
2: Mature
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openacs-default-theme OpenACS Default Theme:
Provides the default "plain" and "tabbed" themes for OpenACS Subsites.

Provides the default "plain" and "tabbed" themes for OpenACS Subsites. This has been moved out to a separate package, with availability recorded in the database, to make it easier for developer's to create their own themes and distribute and/or install them in package form.

openacs-default-theme 5.6.0 released 2010-06-17
0: New Submission or Maturity Unknown
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ref-timezones Reference Data - Timezone:
Timezone data for acs-reference.

This is the timezone data for the acs-reference data package. Used by acs-lang (among others) for localized times.

ref-timezones 5.6.0 released 2010-06-17 by Mayuli Enterprises, LLC
3: Mature and Standard
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search Search:
Site wide search

Site wide search implemented with service contracts, currently supports postgres via the tsearch2 driver (OpenFTS still support but deprecated).

search 5.6.0 released 2010-06-17 on GPL version 2 license by OpenACS
3: Mature and Standard
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tsearch2-driver Tsearch2 Driver:
Full text search support for Search via Tsearch2.

Provides an implementation for the search packages service contract for searching on postgresql.

tsearch2-driver 5.6.0 released 2010-06-17
3: Mature and Standard
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Common Applications

Package Description
xowiki xowiki:
A xotcl-based enterprise wiki wiki system with different object types based on the content OpenACS repository

XoWiki is a Wiki implementation for OpenACS in XOTcl. Instead of
trying to implement the full set of Wiki markup commands of systems
like MediaWiki, XoWiki is based on a rich text editor and focuses more
on integration with OpenACS (e.g categories, general comments,
ADP-includes). XoWiki combines aspects of wikis (ease of
page-creation) with aspects of a content management system (revisions,
re-usable items, multiple languages). Furthermore, XoWiki allows to
define different types of links such one could define book-structures
(where a navigation structure could be built on the fly) or glossaries
with different kind of word relationships (like synonyms,
etc.). XoWiki supports pages in multiple languages and is localized.

Some features:
  - cross language links
  - inclusion of ADP pages
  - nesting of Wiki-pages
  - large set of includeable content (includelets)
  - search
  - tags
  - categories
  - RSS
  - weblog
  - podcasts
  - notifications
  - web 2.0 gadgets (digg, delicious, my yahoo)
  - audio embedding
  - different appearances (template_file)
  - book-structures
  - prototype pages
  - import/export 
  - virtual presence
  - analysis of collaboration networks
  - forms
  - named/unnamed pages
  - various security policies

xowiki 0.144 released 2011-05-16 on BSD-Style license by Gustaf Neumann, WU Wien
0: New Submission or Maturity Unknown
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Extra Packages and Libraries

Package Description
acs-object-management ACS Object Management:
API to manage all things objecty

API and admin pages to create and edit object types.

acs-object-management 0.0.1d1 released
0: New Submission or Maturity Unknown
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xotcl-core XOTcl Core:
XOTcl library functionality (e.g. thread handling, online documentation, Generic Form and List Classes)

This component contains some core functionality for OpenACS applications using XOTcl. It includes XOTcl thread handling for OpenACS (supporting persistent and volatile threads) and a definitions for documenting XOTcl object, classes and methods integrated with the api-browser of OpenACS. Documented procs and instproc an be created using the methods ad_proc and ad_instproc. This component provides as well an XOTcl Object and Class browser, as well as means to control the recreation of objects and classes when components are reloaded. 0.23: contains a major overhaul of the Generic classes. Object preliminary object layer for content repository, oo templating. 0.36: brings caching support for cr-items. 0.38: important change: uses instead of cr_revision.title to label content items. This effects as well the api (lookup uses -name instead of -title). 0.40: updating package_id in acs_objects, requires now openacs 5.2.*; 0.41: supporting storage_type file, on_submit method and html for forms; 0.43: context and connection context; 0.44: use connection_context, sch regression test works; 0.45: xo:db require operations; 0.48: policies 0.49: stored procedures object proxies (postgres and Oracle) 0.51: require package 0.52: distinguish between ImageField and ImageAnchorField, start using slots, multivalued form entries, bulk-actions, improved localization, improved sql layer (:.xo::db::sql) 0.70: oo interface to acs-object, acs-object-types and cr-items/revisions based on XOTcl slots

xotcl-core 0.124 released 2011-01-14 on BSD-Style license by Gustaf Neumann, WU Wien
0: New Submission or Maturity Unknown
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