Forum: OpenACS Development

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Compiling Naviserver with oACS for Solaris

Gustaf Neumann 8 05/22/14 10:55 PM 05/29/14 12:58 PM

openacs-5.8.0 - packages-install.tcl file does not exist.

Jamshed Qureshi 8 04/24/14 02:26 PM 04/28/14 09:12 AM

A Model for the Navigation Bar

Jim Lynch 8 02/13/14 08:20 PM 02/15/14 08:32 PM

get_value__parameter_id error

Gustaf Neumann 8 11/05/13 10:05 PM 11/10/13 01:12 PM

Warning: has no doc(title) set.

Cesareo Garci­a Rodicio 8 10/29/13 12:40 PM 10/31/13 12:52 AM running on PostgreSQL 9.2, OpenACS 5.8, XOTcl 2.0, NaviServer

Gustaf Neumann 8 08/07/13 01:59 PM 09/14/13 04:38 PM

Invalid command name "ns_httpsget"

Gustaf Neumann 8 03/01/13 08:38 PM 10/31/14 06:20 PM

Problem Using AMS

Michael Steigman 8 03/01/13 06:27 PM 03/06/13 10:19 PM

Tcl Profiling

Jeff Rogers 8 01/20/12 04:38 PM 01/26/12 09:39 PM

SSL Installation

Torben Brosten 8 12/01/11 06:38 AM 12/16/11 05:36 AM

Problem compiling nspostgres module in aolserver4.5.1

Jim Lynch 8 10/19/10 11:44 AM 10/20/10 08:31 PM

creating a new skin (template) to photo album

Torben Brosten 8 06/25/10 10:54 PM 07/11/10 10:06 PM

Exposing all of OpenACS/]po[ via REST

David Cohen 8 12/19/09 09:15 PM 01/23/10 07:54 PM

Win32-OpenACS - Version 1.16

Maurizio Martignano 8 09/15/09 03:17 PM 09/18/09 11:07 PM

New version of imsld package

Derick Leony 8 06/23/09 07:50 PM 07/24/09 04:13 PM

A small question about xowiki

Claudio Pasolini 8 05/06/09 04:51 PM 05/08/09 02:45 PM

Strict RFC 3986 url encoding

Gustaf Neumann 8 04/15/09 10:04 PM 04/14/21 02:15 PM

PostGIS / MapServer Maps

Neophytos Demetriou 8 01/10/09 02:31 PM 01/15/09 10:20 PM

Usage of XoTCL objects vs. database queries

Gustaf Neumann 8 08/29/08 10:39 AM 08/31/08 10:00 PM

Bug in xowiki page includelets resolution when viewing live revision

Gustaf Neumann 8 08/02/08 04:27 AM 11/05/08 09:42 AM

Tcl > 8.4.14 and AOLserver compile on Debian/Ubuntu

Deds Castillo 8 01/16/08 06:41 PM 01/30/08 03:14 PM

CR misunderstanding?

Koen Breugelmans 8 08/08/07 04:29 PM 01/19/08 02:05 AM

doubleinput widget

Don Baccus 8 07/31/07 05:19 PM 08/02/07 10:27 AM


Michele Slocovich 8 07/10/07 11:54 AM 07/17/07 01:05 PM

Permissions on categories

Ryan Gallimore 8 07/05/07 04:40 PM 06/19/09 04:59 PM

Performance problem in PG 8.1.2

Tom Jackson 8 05/16/07 12:08 AM 05/17/07 04:43 PM

system-wide static parameter

Michael Totschnig 8 05/08/07 11:55 AM 05/09/07 06:16 PM

SQL queries 'n TCL

Iuri Sampaio 8 04/11/07 06:30 PM 04/16/07 11:42 PM

OpenACS skinning

Malte Sussdorff 8 12/01/06 09:10 AM 12/09/06 02:01 PM

xotcl-core variable scope with ad_proc methods and filters

Gustaf Neumann 8 11/17/06 12:37 AM 11/17/06 10:43 PM