Forum: OpenACS Development

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registration email

Gustaf Neumann 1 10/17/21 03:32 AM 11/22/21 05:42 PM

lang::messages not existing

Gustaf Neumann 1 10/17/21 03:14 AM 10/17/21 12:46 PM

system vs. site name

Gustaf Neumann 1 10/17/21 02:36 AM 11/22/21 07:36 PM

Xowiki/Templating best practice

Gustaf Neumann 3 10/14/21 05:09 PM 07/06/22 04:47 PM

Pipe-open considered harmful

Gustaf Neumann 4 10/07/21 01:26 PM 10/23/21 05:40 PM

OpenACS 5.10.0 beta 1 available

Markus Moser 20 09/07/21 02:22 PM 09/21/21 09:37 AM

OpenACS 5.10: Portuguese translation

Iuri Sampaio 9 09/03/21 07:25 PM 09/07/21 04:13 PM

OpenACS 5.10: Spanish translation

Héctor Romojaro 0 09/03/21 05:37 PM 09/03/21 05:37 PM

Announcement: NaviServer 4.99.22 available

Gustaf Neumann 0 08/26/21 11:58 AM 08/26/21 11:58 AM

When to encode URLs

Gustaf Neumann 0 08/09/21 04:50 PM 08/09/21 04:50 PM

Implementing Server-Sent Event backend in OpenACS

Gustaf Neumann 8 07/14/21 02:29 PM 09/11/21 10:41 AM

Announcement: Integration of Zoom/BBB/Jupyter/.... into OpenACS/DotLRN

Gustaf Neumann 2 05/02/21 12:47 PM 05/26/21 11:07 AM

letsencrypt error on renew

Gustaf Neumann 8 04/24/21 02:17 AM 07/20/21 01:07 PM

Announcement: NaviServer 4.99.21 available

Gustaf Neumann 0 04/09/21 12:04 PM 04/09/21 12:04 PM

OpenACS/NaviServer docker images using s6-overlay

Gustaf Neumann 8 03/29/21 10:29 AM 04/15/21 11:14 AM

OpenACS 5.9.1: ns_addrbyhost error in util_current_location

Gustaf Neumann 1 03/15/21 03:36 PM 03/22/21 12:13 PM

Improved search functionality on

Gustaf Neumann 0 02/24/21 07:31 PM 02/24/21 07:31 PM

CVS head

Gustaf Neumann 1 02/11/21 08:45 AM 02/11/21 10:01 AM

email password recovery

Gustaf Neumann 1 02/11/21 08:23 AM 03/06/21 10:25 PM

convert person to user

Gustaf Neumann 5 02/11/21 07:40 AM 02/13/21 06:50 PM

Upgrade of

Gustaf Neumann 1 02/01/21 01:28 PM 02/03/21 09:33 AM


Maurizio Martignano 2 01/24/21 10:26 AM 02/12/21 10:41 AM

API Browser Support for Other Programming Languages

Gustaf Neumann 11 01/21/21 10:12 AM 01/31/21 12:43 PM

Contacts Lite package added to CVS

Maurizio Martignano 6 01/20/21 10:45 PM 01/24/21 09:41 PM

Closing issues in the OpenACS bug-tracker

Jeff Rogers 1 01/17/21 11:31 PM 01/18/21 10:00 PM updated

Gustaf Neumann 0 01/17/21 11:00 PM 01/17/21 11:00 PM

Announcement: NaviServer 4.99.20 available

Gustaf Neumann 0 01/17/21 09:03 PM 01/17/21 09:03 PM

http POST X binary file

Gustaf Neumann 9 01/17/21 01:13 AM 01/18/21 09:41 AM

OpenACS: the core and the packages/plugins

Gustaf Neumann 36 01/02/21 05:16 PM 01/15/21 12:52 PM

upgrade-5.9.1d15-5.9.1d16.sql breaks acs_rel_type__create_type

Gustaf Neumann 7 12/28/20 05:45 PM 01/03/21 10:38 AM