Forum: OpenACS Development

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Sourcing of -init.tcl files

Mark Aufflick 3 02/14/03 11:46 AM 02/21/03 01:07 PM

Source code on github

Gustaf Neumann 1 04/27/16 10:20 PM 04/28/16 09:18 AM

Sould we add acs-automated-testing into acs-core?

Janine Ohmer 11 10/01/02 04:08 PM 10/05/02 09:16 PM

sort_key is supposed to be a natural number... but it is getting passed a 1.00000...

Gilbert Wong 2 09/22/01 07:49 AM 09/22/01 10:13 AM

sorting with listbuilder when you need a URL variable

Dave Bauer 4 05/27/08 05:30 PM 08/12/08 01:50 PM


Jon Griffin 1 11/11/02 03:09 PM 11/11/02 04:29 PM

Some thoughts with respect to the permissions system

Don Baccus 6 09/07/04 08:19 PM 09/09/04 01:29 AM

something similar

0 07/13/05 01:13 PM 07/13/05 01:13 PM

Some Statistics from

Cesareo Garci­a Rodicio 1 12/29/16 07:08 PM 12/30/16 11:42 PM

Some recent Figures from OpenACS (2016)

Gustaf Neumann 2 02/16/17 01:41 PM 02/21/19 07:28 PM

Someone is working on forums package?

David Arroyo Menéndez 4 01/08/07 01:46 PM 01/09/07 10:30 AM

Some notes about acs-mail-lite when upgrading

Steffen Tiedemann Christensen 1 09/08/08 04:58 PM 09/08/08 05:44 PM

Some new features

Gustaf Neumann 5 11/01/22 11:22 AM 11/29/22 12:20 PM

Some ideas about package structure ... comments?

Malte Sussdorff 37 07/01/03 07:00 PM 11/21/03 08:00 AM

Some files don't show in the CVSweb?

Jeff Davis 3 10/23/03 01:13 PM 10/23/03 06:27 PM

Some crazy thoughts on .LRN/OpenACS :)

Ben Koot 1 05/25/07 12:37 PM 05/25/07 07:34 PM

Some 4.X questions, and comments, including adding wizards to the package spec and complaints about subsites

Dan Wickstrom 19 05/17/01 04:36 PM 05/19/01 03:32 PM

Solving security messages on IE when users login to a site with ssl

Dave Bauer 1 05/15/07 07:55 AM 05/17/07 09:54 PM

Solving once and for all the customization of ADP/TCL pages in packages

Dave Bauer 9 09/17/02 03:44 AM 09/18/02 12:32 PM

Solved: XoWiki: missing arg: create_column_p: OpenACS 5.7 Upgrade Error

Frank Bergmann 0 05/16/12 06:29 PM 05/16/12 06:29 PM

Software Development (Bugs, QA, etc) and OACS

John Mileham 38 03/10/02 01:11 AM 03/18/02 08:02 PM

socket connections

Andrew Piskorski 1 05/26/03 12:47 PM 05/27/03 07:11 AM

social networking functionality for acs-subsite? TIP?

Dennis Larry 18 09/21/10 07:11 AM 10/26/10 10:45 AM

Social Network Analysis with XoWiki

Gustaf Neumann 10 03/25/07 06:44 PM 04/28/09 08:24 AM

SOAP update

Dave Bauer 7 10/30/02 06:53 AM 10/31/02 04:54 AM

SOAP Package: tsoap

Jeff Davis 7 03/17/05 07:02 PM 03/19/05 11:08 AM

SOAP package for tDOM

0 11/26/03 12:42 AM 11/26/03 12:42 AM

SOA In a Day at India's Most Influential Business Technology Conference

raju arora 0 07/12/10 11:34 AM 07/12/10 11:34 AM

SOA? - Generic XML-RPC Bridge to Database API

Brian Fenton 35 07/09/06 06:07 PM 04/30/08 10:49 AM

Snapshot installation problems

Leif Jensen 10 09/10/01 11:00 PM 09/13/01 06:03 AM