Forum OpenACS Q&A: Accessing my page/server

Posted by James Bennin on
I have installed my OpenACS 4.6.3. on Red Hat Linux 8.0.  I have been doing some work and development on it.  Now it is time for me to present this project to the rest of my coworkers.  The box where I have OpenACS installed is part of the work network, but for some reason, people cannot access my page.  What do I need to do?
Posted by Joel Aufrecht on
How exactly do people fail?  Here are some debugging tools:

Can their computers access the server at all?  Test with "ping".

Are their browser requests reaching the server?  Test by checking the access log on the server.  For example, you can tail the access log (tail -f /web/service0/log/access.log), look at the last line, then go make a request from another computer, then look at the last line again.  If it didn't change, they aren't reaching the server.

Is there a firewall in the way?  Is there a firewall on the server that blocks remote access?

Posted by James Bennin on
First of all, thank you for your prompt response.  My boss tried the ping command and it's working, but he can still not access my server/page.  He types the address "myservername:8000/" in the browser and he cannot reach the server even.  As for the access.log file, I dont even have one under the specified folder.  All I have is myservice.log and error.log.  I hope the information I provided for you was helpful.  So where do I go from here?

Thank you

Posted by James Bennin on
Ok, in the config file under "/web/servcice0/etc/config.tcl" there are three parameters that could resolve the problem I am having. These are the parameters:

set hostname
set server
set servername

Now the question is, when people on the network are trying to access my server/page, what is the address they are going to browse to?  I know it is something like
"http://*****:8000/" right?  But what goes in the "******", is  it the hostname, the server or the servername?

Thank you

Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
the ***** is your hostname or the IP Address of your computer. So if you have an IP Adress of you will have them access your server at Safest method, unless you know your hostname and that name is known through the company as well.

To find out your ip address, use "ipconfig" on the unix shell. To find our your hostname, use "hostname" on the unix shell.

Posted by Dirk Gomez on
ipconfig is for the windows shell :)

Use ifconfig for Linux/Unix. It usually sits in /sbin/ which usually is not in your PATH. So you may have to call it by invoking /sbin/ifconfig.

Posted by James Bennin on
I really do appreciate the help and the insights.  I have tried both of the commands (ifconfig not ipconfig) and the values that came up for hostname and ifconfig are the exact same one I have set-up in the config file.  And I have been trying, from different computers on the network to access the server, and still have not seen any success.  Any other suggestions?
Posted by Andrew Piskorski on
Do you have firewall running on your local box? Perhaps Red Hat 8.0 comes with one installed - I bet it does. If so, either just turn your firewall off, or configure it to allow incoming to the port you have AOLserver listening on, port 8000 in your case.

There are lots of old posts about firewalls and stuff, try searching in the Forums. In fact yes, this thread from June says Red Hat 8.0 uses a firewall called "lokkit", so that's probably your problem.

Posted by James Bennin on
Thank you for your insight.  You were right, I did have a firewall on this box.  I read the thread you send me and figured out my problem.  People on this network can now access my server/page. Nevertheless there is still a problem, they can only access it with my ip number (such http://10.134100.9:3000) in instead of  http://myservername:8000"  What is the problem now?
Posted by C. R. Oldham on
You have a DNS issue and need to talk to your DNS administrator. does not have a name-to-ip mapping in the DNS.
Posted by James Bennin on
That IP, I made it up for example purposes
Posted by Jade Rubick on
James, do you have DNS set up?
Posted by James Bennin on
I dont think I do.  How do I go about setting up a DNS?
Posted by Jade Rubick on
You'll need to contact your ISP, or a DNS provider. You'll also need to register a domain name, like