Yeah, the things you're saying make sense,,, in any case, I did run 2 of the test files by browsing to them, the tests themselves are located in ajaxhelper/www/tests, so I could run the tests by browsing to /(place ajaxhelper mounted)/tests/test_foo (where there existed /(place ajaxhelper mounted)/tests/test_foo.tcl and .adp). Neither worked, so it was at that point of failure that I also doubted the future of the package, but I've been wrong enough times (i.e., things worked anyway) to let that sway me too far. I also remember when we were playing with yui a few years before yahoo killed it, at that time what was on a few minds was to recraft ajaxhelper, as they felt that while the idea of an "ajax helper" was a good one, things were changing such that the then-current content of ajaxhelper had to be replaced or reworked.
Do you, or does anyone, have recommendations on how to use ajax currently (if not thru the use of ajaxhelper)?
It seems ajaxhelper has an automount set in the package metadata, for /ajax, and it has been declared to be a singleton.