Forum: OpenACS Development

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Win32-OpenACS Version 1.7

Enrique Catalan 5 03/28/08 05:29 PM 04/21/08 12:26 PM

Problem with includelet in xowiki

Michael Cordova 5 02/28/08 06:18 PM 11/10/08 02:01 PM

Is it possible to create a new package in Project Open - OpenACS?

Prabu Thirumeni 5 02/19/08 05:58 AM 02/20/08 08:48 AM

Ad_form DOM error

Eduardo Santos 5 01/14/08 09:17 PM 01/24/08 02:25 PM

Idea: Give every package_id an application group

Dave Bauer 5 12/07/07 05:36 PM 12/08/07 04:17 PM

ns_pools configuration with URL mapping

Tom Jackson 5 09/26/07 08:37 AM 09/26/07 08:40 PM

Adding ad_session_id_secure cookie

Torben Brosten 5 08/27/07 07:10 PM 08/21/08 11:42 PM

is there a change in the template::list::create behavior?

Jorge Couchet 5 08/24/07 05:13 AM 08/24/07 03:21 PM

xowiki news prototype page

Eduardo Santos 5 08/16/07 02:40 AM 11/22/07 12:25 PM

in HEAD packages/dynamic-types/tcl/form-procs.tcl ...

Jim Lynch 5 08/14/07 02:43 AM 08/14/07 10:51 PM

Project manager pkg.

Malte Sussdorff 5 07/25/07 09:52 PM 08/02/07 01:36 PM

set foo [list bar] vs. lset foo {bar}

Tom Jackson 5 07/05/07 07:07 PM 07/06/07 12:47 AM

Adding file attachments to notifications

Emmanuelle Raffenne 5 06/26/07 07:08 PM 07/02/07 11:53 AM

Lists and theme zen

Don Baccus 5 06/20/07 08:43 AM 06/25/07 04:51 AM

User Portrait JPEG or GIF. What about PNG?

Don Baccus 5 06/16/07 07:10 PM 06/19/07 03:32 PM

Adding www to host node mapped URLs automatically?

Tom Jackson 5 06/05/07 01:28 PM 06/05/07 09:57 PM

new functionality in forums HEAD

Michael Totschnig 5 05/29/07 12:20 PM 06/04/07 04:10 PM

XoTCL interface for Objects (aka. extending methods for objects)

Tom Jackson 5 05/17/07 02:11 PM 05/20/07 08:39 PM

Old threads revived, display order, etc.

Brian Fenton 5 04/27/07 02:50 AM 05/08/07 01:44 PM

two problems with 523b1 - stopping implementation

Don Baccus 5 02/28/07 10:47 PM 03/01/07 01:16 AM

Memcached TCL API

Vlad Seryakov 5 02/28/07 10:34 AM 03/02/07 04:39 PM

New version of XinHA (release)

Gustaf Neumann 5 02/02/07 07:07 AM 02/25/07 08:10 PM

Unusable Development server... Solutions?

Malte Sussdorff 5 12/29/06 05:08 PM 01/02/07 09:56 PM

Registration form

Iuri Sampaio 5 11/27/06 07:46 PM 11/29/06 04:20 AM

ad_conn and no connection

Dave Bauer 5 11/21/06 05:42 AM 12/14/06 11:27 PM

slow notifications query on

Dave Bauer 5 10/12/06 07:54 PM 11/09/06 03:45 AM

ns_ldap with bind procedure

Orzenil Silva Junior 5 08/28/06 12:02 PM 01/04/08 06:50 PM

when to send out news notifications

Malte Sussdorff 5 08/04/06 05:44 AM 08/08/06 08:39 AM

Command line to compile Javascript file please

Jim Lynch 5 08/03/06 02:32 AM 08/08/06 11:45 PM

Usage of OpenACS with Oracle

Don Baccus 5 07/31/06 05:38 PM 08/02/06 06:08 PM