Forum: OpenACS Q&A

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Job / Project Opportunity

Cesareo Garci­a Rodicio 0 02/14/13 03:18 PM 02/14/13 03:18 PM

Customise OpenACS 'breadcrumb trail' using CSS

Richard Hamilton 0 02/10/13 06:07 PM 02/10/13 06:07 PM

Current state of theming in OpenACS (without .LRN)

Dave Bauer 43 05/16/12 07:05 AM 02/09/13 10:34 PM

How to enable gzip compression

Dafydd Crosby 12 10/23/07 02:03 PM 01/25/13 06:48 PM

How to know if there's an error in a form (template level)

Emmanuelle Raffenne 3 01/24/13 08:23 PM 01/25/13 01:18 PM

Openacs 4.6.3 Download Question

Jim Lynch 2 01/21/13 01:52 PM 01/25/13 11:38 AM

]po[ V4.0.3.3-Beta1 Windows with PostgreSQL folded in

Frank Bergmann 0 01/22/13 06:43 PM 01/22/13 06:43 PM

Context bar and xowiki.

Frank Bergmann 11 07/14/09 12:16 AM 01/22/13 05:24 PM

Problems checking out certain non-core oacs-5-7 packages from CVS

Richard Hamilton 2 01/20/13 11:14 PM 01/21/13 09:54 AM

News package installation error

Ryan Gallimore 4 01/15/13 08:29 AM 01/17/13 02:57 PM

Xowiki permissions policy for application mash-up using Xowiki

Richard Hamilton 0 01/16/13 02:57 PM 01/16/13 02:57 PM

Cities, States and Countries DB

Avni Khatri 1 01/14/13 02:28 PM 01/14/13 07:10 PM

How are xowiki.Formfields of type form_page specified?

Gustaf Neumann 2 12/03/12 09:25 PM 12/30/12 02:45 PM

Example of a -validate block using template::element::create?

Klaus Hofeditz 1 09/12/12 03:53 PM 12/28/12 12:42 PM

Looking for a live chat feature for my site

Jim Lynch 5 11/13/12 02:50 AM 12/21/12 10:25 AM

OpenACS 5.5.0 install Debian 6 64bits - When trying to install OpenACS I get "Not Found"

PABLO GUEVARA 26 12/12/12 03:14 AM 12/20/12 03:15 PM

compiling nspostgres

Cesareo Garci­a Rodicio 19 09/01/03 02:08 AM 12/19/12 10:31 PM

xowiki Folder Object

Richard Hamilton 19 09/29/10 10:57 PM 12/03/12 08:25 PM

How is display of numbers in xowiki.Form fields set?

Richard Hamilton 0 12/03/12 08:21 PM 12/03/12 08:21 PM

Xinha Doesn't Load in IE9

Richard Hamilton 11 11/28/12 12:05 AM 12/03/12 08:01 PM

Unexpected behaviour of Xowiki field validation for URLs

Richard Hamilton 0 12/03/12 07:57 PM 12/03/12 07:57 PM

Still having problems configuring ckeditor for Xowiki.

Richard Hamilton 10 11/30/12 01:13 AM 12/03/12 06:59 PM

OpenACS Xinha File Selector Broken in IE9

Richard Hamilton 1 11/28/12 12:53 AM 11/29/12 01:04 AM

Problem with Xinha Stylist Config - used to work now doesn't in latest Xowiki

Richard Hamilton 3 11/27/12 12:27 AM 11/28/12 01:27 AM

What is wrong with this formspec? It throws errors.

Avni Khatri 6 11/26/12 12:09 AM 11/28/12 12:04 AM

Error thrown by Xowiki when entering field of type 'URL'

Gustaf Neumann 1 11/25/12 10:41 PM 11/27/12 11:32 AM

Howto install packages

Majed san 4 05/18/12 01:33 PM 11/23/12 03:14 PM

Xowiki FormPages

Richard Hamilton 1 11/20/12 01:53 AM 11/21/12 12:32 AM

Xowiki Exporter Error

Richard Hamilton 3 11/20/12 10:22 AM 11/20/12 12:23 PM

Ubuntu 12.04

Steve Manning 4 10/19/12 05:36 AM 10/27/12 03:42 PM