Forum: OpenACS Development

Subject Last Post By ↑↓ Replies ↑↓ First Post ↑↓ Last Post ↑↓

Modify function and parameters called by .init function

Andrea Tosoni 6 11/18/12 12:39 AM 11/20/12 12:05 AM

Modified behavior of templating tags in newer OpenACS versions?

Michael Aram 2 08/23/17 10:51 AM 08/23/17 04:12 PM

modetp - an ETP modification

Jun Yamog 12 02/01/02 11:08 AM 02/02/02 02:01 PM

model calculations environment, suggestions?

Torben Brosten 1 06/22/10 10:31 PM 06/22/10 10:35 PM

Mobile Theme?

Dave Bauer 12 01/17/12 04:09 AM 02/09/13 10:28 PM

MMbase vs OpenACS

Scott Mc Williams 2 03/11/01 11:09 PM 03/14/01 10:41 PM

mktree regarding

0 11/30/05 11:53 AM 11/30/05 11:53 AM

mktree.js uses a non-valid HTML attribute

Emmanuelle Raffenne 3 03/27/08 09:50 PM 03/29/08 01:53 PM

missings i18n in context bar: package/instance names not i18n

César Alexander Hernández Juarez 4 05/31/07 09:46 PM 06/16/07 01:51 AM

Missing pgbin in config.tcl

Victor Guerra 2 08/09/12 03:40 PM 08/20/12 02:15 PM

Missing package_ids in acs_objects: get via context_id ?

Dave Bauer 4 07/04/08 12:15 PM 07/10/08 05:56 PM

Missing Message Keys

joseph smith 2 07/23/07 05:39 AM 07/23/07 06:24 PM

missing index and foreign key constraints on cr_item_publish_audit fixed (postgres)

Gustaf Neumann 0 08/04/11 10:26 AM 08/04/11 10:26 AM

Missing i18 message in Calendar (simple error)

Cesareo Garci­a Rodicio 0 01/09/07 12:58 PM 01/09/07 12:58 PM


Malte Sussdorff 0 05/28/07 06:51 PM 05/28/07 06:51 PM

Missing attachments upgrade for dotLRN

Nima Mazloumi 0 10/18/07 11:12 AM 10/18/07 11:12 AM

Mirrors and Repositories

russ m 9 01/16/08 07:56 AM 01/21/08 12:33 AM

Minor XoWiki Error: /tag/Core?category_id=835073&summary=

Frank Bergmann 0 01/23/13 02:45 PM 01/23/13 02:45 PM

Minor problem in site-map with '--Install new package--'

0 12/28/02 11:51 AM 12/28/02 11:51 AM

Minor Error in Survey Package (with Postgresql 9.3 and TCL 8.5.x)

Gustaf Neumann 6 04/07/14 06:48 PM 04/22/14 11:07 PM

Minor Error in Survey Package after upgrading

Cesareo Garci­a Rodicio 21 11/06/13 12:19 PM 11/13/13 01:14 PM

Minor Error in Calendar after upgrading

Cesareo Garci­a Rodicio 6 11/18/13 07:30 PM 11/21/13 03:14 PM

Minimal Openacs

hafeez bana 0 09/18/07 03:45 AM 09/18/07 03:45 AM

Mini-Conference on Globalization Results and Call for Feedback

Stephen . 8 07/02/02 04:57 AM 07/16/02 08:23 PM

migration and updates

0 11/23/02 01:27 AM 11/23/02 01:27 AM


Judith Pino Chial 12 04/21/05 11:34 PM 05/11/05 04:01 PM

Migrating to a branch in the OpenACS repository

Dave Bauer 7 05/06/03 03:51 PM 06/04/03 11:42 PM

migrating from ACS3 ticketTracker to bugtracker

Ola Hansson 3 05/08/03 09:35 AM 05/08/03 12:07 PM

Migrating ecommerce templates to ATS

Don Baccus 2 04/17/02 07:06 PM 04/19/02 09:47 PM


0 11/01/02 11:57 PM 11/01/02 11:57 PM