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OpenACS 5.1.4 / PG 7.3.6 => 5.2.3/8.0.7 Upgrade Path for acs-core

Created by Ryan Gallimore, last modified by Ryan Gallimore 24 Aug 2006, at 01:46 PM

Extensively test this path on a staging server first.

Bring production site down

Post apache temporarily unavailable page on port 80.

Backup everything via script (no vacuum).

mkdir /var/lib/aolserver/service1-pre-upgrade-backup
cp -R /var/lib/aolserver/service1 /var/lib/aolserver/service1-pre-upgrade-backup
+pg 7.3.6 dump is under both trees

Disable backup/webalizer crontab

shutdown postgresql

Upgrade pg => 7.4.13

Import 7.3.6 dump into pg 7.4.13

Dump 7.4.13 db
shutdown postgresql
Upgrade PG 7.4.13 => 8.0.7
Import 7.4.13 dump

Make a restore point dump from 8.0.7

/usr/local/pgsql/bin/vacuumdb -U postgres -f -z -v service1

Upgrade oacs 5.1.4 => 5.2.3
-Copy conflict-resolved /packages and /www from testing to production site
-Bring production site back up on port 8080.
-APM-Install all required packages, below

+Repair broken package installs where an acs_object exists without an apm_package
delete from acs_objects where object_id in (select o.object_id from acs_objects o left join apm_packages p on p.package_id=o.object_id where o.object_type='apm_package' and p.package_id is null);

Site-Wide Administration
API Browser
Automated Testing
Bootstrap Installer
ACS Reference Data
ACS Reference Data - Timezone
Service Contracts
ACS Translation Storage

Content Repository
+source manually: \i /var/lib/aolserver/service1/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/upgrade/upgrade-5.2.0a1-5.2.0a2.sql
+source manually: \i /var/lib/aolserver/service1/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/upgrade/upgrade-5.2.1d1-5.2.1d2.sql
Then uncheck above and run from apm.
Ignore download_* view errors.

Acs Mail
Acs Messaging 
Acs Subsite
Acs Tcl

Search changed files 

Install tsearch2 for pg 
Remove unmounted search package

Reindex existing content for fs,news,forums,faq:

--File Storage--
insert into search_observer_queue (

   select revision_id, current_timestamp, 'INSERT'

   from cr_revisions r, cr_items i

   where r.item_id = i.item_id and

         i.content_type = 'file_storage_object' and

         r.revision_id = i.live_revision and

         (mime_type = 'application/pdf' or

          mime_type = 'application/msword' or

          mime_type = 'application/' or

          mime_type like 'text/%'));

insert into search_observer_queue (

       select revision_id, current_timestamp, 'INSERT'

       from cr_revisions r, cr_items i

       where r.item_id = i.item_id and

             i.content_type = 'news' and

             r.revision_id = i.live_revision);

insert into search_observer_queue (
      select message_id, current_timestamp, 'INSERT'
      from forums_messages );

insert into search_observer_queue ( select entry_id, current_timestamp, 'INSERT' from faq_q_and_as );

Install forums, general-comments, notifications, workflow (oacs-5-2)

Install from APM: xotcl-core, xowiki (HEAD)
Apply pgrule-fix.sql

Vacuum DB


Bring down apache temp page

Switch nsd port back to 80

Restore crontab

Backup upgraded site.

Download pre and post backup.


listbuilder tutorial

Created by Robert Taylor, last modified by Robert Taylor 04 Mar 2006, at 10:09 PM

Tutorial to be laid out as such by Jim and Don:


(1) start with a finished notes package (as available off cvs)

(2) use a simple query to get one column (simplest possible list)

(3) add some more columns (show how easy it is)

(4) add ordering on all of the individual columns

(5) have the title of the note (first list column) be a link to show the whole note

(6) add a checkbox at the front of the list, and a "bulk action" to delete all the checked notes

(7) add a button for "create note"

(8) add filter for creation user; put the filter panel on the left of the list, showing the exising list style and list filter style

(9) pagination (defeat its caching)

(10) pagination with caching


Please refer any questions to above authors.  Thank you.

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