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just playing around

Created by Robert Taylor, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 01 May 2020, at 11:36 AM

One stormy night I was bored ... and this was born:


1.  Some links to other design work ideas:





2.  I was playing around with a screenshot of the other night and I wanted to see what the site would look like  with the following criteria:

a) REUSE all standard OACS components.  No funky layouts, no funky font work, just standard OACS out of the box layout and components.

b) SIMPLIFY the design.  Don't change anything, just remove the unnecessary design components already present.  We should NOT get caught up in a multimonth redesign sessions that takes forever to implement.  Modify what we have and make it look unified.

c)  Consider the UTILITY factor of the website.  I don't want to think about the website as a 'special use case' of our toolkit.  I would like to re-use our own tools as much as possible.  Out of the box the site would default to XoWiki for the content management, we would have the bt, cal and forums tabs as normal.  I was playing around with having a PM (pm needs some cleanup) and SEARCH tabs for advanced search and for project managing oacs based activities by those of us that want to use that tool.


3.  The oacs logo was stripped of the alex graphic.  It was kinda goofy and I'm going to try to work on something and see what I come up with.  Maybe we can holda contest for the logo ... the joomla team ended up with a pretty cool logo as a result.


4.  I will create a sample site layout here and make it available online live for evaluations by everyone.


5.  Here is the sample i was playing around with:


Created by Francisco Soler Lahuerta, last modified by Benjamin Brink 07 Jul 2017, at 07:33 AM

see en:quota


Created by Agustín Lopez Bueno, last modified by Benjamin Brink 07 Jul 2017, at 07:32 AM

see en:wikipedia


Created by Benjamin Brink, last modified by Benjamin Brink 24 Jun 2017, at 08:09 AM

some text..

    some text..


    OpenACS Object Types

    Created by Lee Denison, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 16 Jan 2017, at 08:27 AM

    OpenACS object types are the basic building block of the OpenACS psuedo object oriented datamodel.  They are largely analogous to Classes in OO languages such as C++ and Java.

     An object type typically has a set of static metadata and a set of object data for the actual instances.

    Static Metadata

    Mainly found in the acs_object_types table and the acs_attributes table. 

    Instance Data

    The instance data of a type is typically spread over several tables, each of which represents a level in the inheritance hierarchy.  acs-object is the most fundamental supertype from which all types inherit.

    Recently Changed Pages

    Created by Gustaf Neumann, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 10 Oct 2013, at 08:34 PM

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    category test

    Created by Gustaf Neumann, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 14 Sep 2013, at 11:37 AM


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    XoWiki Slides from the Vienna OpenACS conference

    Created by Gustaf Neumann, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 14 Jan 2008, at 09:10 AM

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