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Created by OpenACS community, last modified by Robert Taylor 07 Aug 2006, at 03:21 AM


Oracle is an enterprise level, ACID-compliant RDBMS

What others say about Oracle

Oracle (

OpenACS uses Oracle with PL/SQL

Mail Transport Agents

Created by OpenACS community, last modified by Robert Taylor 07 Aug 2006, at 03:20 AM

a program that handles all incoming and outgoing mail. The Reference Platform uses Qmail; any MTA that provides a sendmail wrapper (that is, that can be invoked by calling the sendmail program with the same variables that sendmail expects) can be used with OpenACS.

This is a placeholder for notes implementing specific MTAs with OpenACS

Installing OpenACS on SuSE

Created by OpenACS community, last modified by Robert Taylor 07 Aug 2006, at 03:20 AM

Should you decide to Install OpenACS from source using general en:openacs-system-install instructions, refer to these notes for changes:

Installing [en:postgresql

Set PostgreSQL to start on boot

[root ~]# cp /var/tmp/openacs-5.2.0d1/packages/acs-core-docs/www/files/postgresql.txt /etc/init.d/postgresql
[root ~]# chown root.root /etc/init.d/postgresql
[root ~]# chmod 755 /etc/init.d/postgresql

Test the script.

[root ~]# /etc/init.d/postgresql stop
Stopping PostgreSQL: ok

If PostgreSQL successfully stopped, then use the following command to make sure that the script is run appropriately at boot and shutdown.

[root ~]# cd /etc/init.d
root:/etc/init.d# ln -s /etc/init.d/postgresql K20postgresql
root:/etc/init.d# ln -s /etc/init.d/postgresql S20postgresql  
root:/etc/init.d# cp K20postgresql rc2.d
root:/etc/init.d# cp S20postgresql rc2.d
root:/etc/init.d# cp K20postgresql rc3.d
root:/etc/init.d# cp S20postgresql rc3.d
root:/etc/init.d# cp K20postgresql rc4.d
root:/etc/init.d# cp S20postgresql rc4.d 
root:/etc/init.d# cp K20postgresql rc5.d
root:/etc/init.d# cp S20postgresql rc5.d
root:/etc/init.d# rm K20postgresql
root:/etc/init.d# rm S20postgresql

Test configuration.

root:/etc/init.d # cd
root:~ # /etc/init.d/rc2.d/S20postgresql start
Starting PostgreSQL: ok
root:~ # 

Installation - Req.

Created by OpenACS community, last modified by Robert Taylor 07 Aug 2006, at 03:19 AM

Installation Documentation Requirements

By the OpenACS Community. This section is a collection of documentation requirements that have been expressed in the OpenACS forums to 4th July 2003.

OpenACS installation documentation should meet the following requirements. No significance has been given to the order presented, topic breadth or depth here.

  • state installation prerequisites. For example: "You should read through the installation process to familiarize yourself with the installation process, before beginning an installation."

  • list critical decisions (perhaps as questions) that need to be made before starting: which OS, which DB, which aolserver version, system name, dependencies et cetera. Maybe summarize options as tables or decision-trees. For example, "As you proceed throughout the installation, you will be acting on decisions that have an impact on how the remaining part of the system is installed. Here is a list of questions you should answer before beginning."

  • list pre-installation assumptions

  • Show chronological overview of the process of installing a system to full working status: Install operating system with supporting software, configure with preparations for OpenACS, RDBMS(s) install and configure, Webserver install and configure, OpenACS install and configure, post-install work

Developer - Requirements

Created by OpenACS community, last modified by Robert Taylor 07 Aug 2006, at 03:13 AM

Developers - Documentation Requirements

By the OpenACS Community. This section is a collection of documentation requirements that have been expressed in the OpenACS forums to 4th July 2003.

OpenACS developer documentation should meet the following requirements. No significance has been given to the order presented, topic breadth or depth here.

  • list documentation assumptions, such as familiarity with modifying OpenACS packages. All kernel docs are here etc.

  • This documentation should be written for ongoing use by developers, not as a tutorial.

  • List of practical development and diagnostics tools and methodologies.

  • List of OpenACS development resources, api-doc, schema-browser, developer-support package etc.

  • Identify each OpenACS subsystem, explain why it is used (instead of other choices). In the case of subsystems that are developed outside of OpenACS such as tcl, include external references to development and reference areas.

  • Show current engineering standards and indicate where changes to the standards are in the works.

  • Sections should be dedicated to DotLRN standards as well, if they are not available elsewhere.

  • Add overview diagrams showing the core parts of the datamodel including an updated summary of Greenspun's Chapter 4: Data Models and the Object System

  • package design guidelines and development process templates including planning, core functions, testing, usability, and creating case studies

  • Standard package conventions, where to see "model" code, and guidelines (or where to find them) for:

    • programming tcl/sql

    • using the acs-api

    • ad_form

    • coding permissions

    • OpenACS objects

    • scheduled protocols

    • call backs

    • directory structure

    • user interface

    • widgets

    • package_name and type_extension_table

    • adding optional services, including search, general comments, attachments, notifications, workflow, CR and the new CR Tcl API

  • Document kernel coding requirements, strategy and guidelines to help code changers make decisions that meet kernel designers' criteria

Deployment feedback channel

Created by Aernout Schmidt, last modified by Robert Taylor 07 Aug 2006, at 03:13 AM

Pupose: A channel for sharing heuristics found in the installation and deployment of OpenACS and its packages.   

  1. It may be useful to remember that after successful install of packages like Lars-blogger or Xowiki any content added for testing puposes can (and soon will) be scooped by search engines and/or broadcasted by rss feeds and will thus remain available to the public (and make it avoid your service) for a long time. Parameters and permissions are (often) open by default. Check them first.
  2. In version 5.2.2 not very many packages are available. On the other hand, in version 5.1.5 some 5.2.2-packages won't work (dotFOLIO). Several 5.1.5-packages will work onder 5.2.2, if first installed on 5.1.5 and subsequently upgraded to 5.2.2. My current (admittedly Project Open is not yet very well tested) list:

     Services  Applications
    ACS Reference Data 5.2.2
    API Browser 5.2.2
    Ajax Helper 0.3d
    Attachments 0.10
    Authentication 5.2.2
    Automated Testing 5.2.2
    Bootstrap Installer 5.2.2
    Categories 1.1
    Clickthrough 0.1d
    Clipboard 0.1d
    Content Repository 5.2.2
    Date and Time Utilities 5.2.2
    Documentation 5.2.2
    Dynamic Object Type 0.1
    Events 0.5
    Feed Parser 0.3d
    Kernel 5.2.2
    Localization 5.2.2
    Mail 5.2.2
    Mail Services Lite 1.0
    Messaging 5.2.2
    New Portal 2.1.2d2
    Profile Provider 2.1.1
    RSS Support 0.3
    Reference Data - Timezone 5.2.2
    Related Items 0.1d
    Service Contracts 5.2.2
    Site-Wide Administration 5.2.2
    Subsite 5.2.2
    Tcl Library 5.2.2
    Templating 5.2.2
    Trackback 0.1
    Tsearch2 Driver 0.4d2
    User Preferences 0.5d3
    Views 0.1d
    Workflow 2.1.1
    XML-RPC Server 0.3
    XOTcl Core 0.37
    edit-this-page Portlet 2.0.3
    webDAV Support 1.1b1
    Calendar 2.1.0b4
    Edit This Page 1.8
    FAQ 4.7.4
    File Storage 5.2.2
    Forums 1.2.0d3
    GateKeeper 4.0b
    General Comments 5.2.0
    News Aggregator 1.0.2
    Notifications 5.2.0
    Project/Open Core 3.0.0
    Project/Open Cost Core 3.0.0
    Project/Open Filestorage 3.0.0
    Project/Open Forum 3.0.0
    Project/Open Freelance 3.0.0
    Project/Open HR 3.0.0
    Project/Open Invoices 3.0.0
    Project/Open Payments 3.0.0
    Project/Open Timesheet Management 3.0.0
    Project/Open Translation 3.0.0
    Project/Open Translation Invoices 3.0.0
    Robot Detection 4.0.1
    Search 5.2.2
    User Profile 2.1.1
    Weblogger 2.2.0
    Workflow Service (Petri Nets) 4.5
    dotFOLIO 0.3
    dotFOLIO UI 0.3
    xowiki 0.26

     I have an operational site now and have forgotten to install the Simulation package in the 5.1.5 stage. Correcting this will be time consuming.   

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