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Simple Content Creator / Editor


The Content Package aims to be a simple tool for content creation in the educational context. 

  • Provides a simple interface to create web pages (a no-brainer 1 click), and easily include and manipulate web assets such as flash, videos, images, etc.
  • Provides a web template, easy to manage, similar to a PPT template but with built in navigation (sequential navigation, tab based organization, sub tabs supported and per unit / module navigation).
  • Folder, subfolders, pages ordering.
  • Free of "standards" approaches, so professors with basic word knowledge can use it.
  • Auto scroll (focus navigation on the content area).
  • It provides portlets for .LRN

The Content Package is based in XOWiki, since it is a very well maintained tool, and have many of the desired features such as: easy content tool (plus the advantage that a wiki tools is becoming more and more common), directories, versioning, flexible built-in features to handle content more easily (including positioning and segmentation), basic template management, variables, multi-language support.

The Content Package is a configuration package with a set of scripts, xowiki is left unmodified for Content to work. 

Check Galileo University promotional video (in Spanish).

Application architecture design by Byron & Rocael, development by Byron for Galileo University

Try it at:

user & pass: usertest

Check the manuals (in Spanish).


  • Provide collaborative content creation tools while being able to set up roles easily.
  • Integrate to SCORM / LORS

How to install


Works on:

postgresql 8.2.4

xowiki 0.47 +

xotcl 0.47 +


ltree module for PostgreSQL.

Installation Process:


  1. Install ltree module for postgres.
  2. Obtain packages:  content-portlet, dotlrn-content, xowiki,xotcl-core
  3. Move the files of content-portlet/misc/www/*  to xowiki/www/
  4. Move the files of content-portlet/misc/admin/*  to xowiki/www/admin
  5. Move the files of content-portlet/misc/portlets/*   to xowiki/www/portlets/
  6. Go to acs-admin/apm
  7. Choose "install-packages"
  8. Install xotcl-core,  xowiki , content-portlet, dotlrn-content
  9. If xowiki is already installed, reload xowiki
  10. Restart the server.
  11. Activate the applet in one course.


Technical Specs

 Install the content applet in dotlrn will:    

  1. Place the xowiki (INSTANCIA) that will be used with the following personalized characteristics.
  • Parameters:  
  • extra_css : /resources/content-portlet/template/Gestheme.css
  • security_policy: ::xowiki::policyb
  • template_file: ges-view


  • Kind of created pages.
  • ::xowiki::Page : Index for welcoming to the main application: content-portlet/www/prototypes/gestemplate/
  • ::xowiki::Object : 
  • Default object whit the name folder_id in which the use of Xhina editor is configured.
  • es:o_index : Object which manages the presentation of the index page depending on the kind of user.
Source: content-portlet/www/prototypes/gestemplate/
  • ::xowiki::PageTemplate:
  • es:Template_de_ges Web template that manages the presentation and navegation of the future content pages that will be created.
Source: content-portlet/www/prototypes/gestemplate/
  • es:Template_de_header: Template which manages the edition of the content titles.
source: content-portlet/www/prototypes/gestemplate/
  • ::xowiki::PageInstance :
  • es:header_page : used to entry the heading of the future content pages.
Source    : content-portlet/www/prototypes/gestemplate/
  1. Creation of the content index that will be used:  this content index is composed of the following categories:
  • Unit or chapter
  • Introduction
  • Content
  • Activities
  • Glossary
  • Appendix

Content-Portlet Description:
The template es:Template_de_ges  manages the final presentation of the created content pages.
The web template used, is based in three navigation levels.

  • Unit or module
  • Section
  • Subsection

This template is built with a series of scripts, which are responsible of the navigation of every section, is divided in:  header, module navigation, section navigation, subsections navigation, navigation between pages and content.
The navigation is controlled by their respectives scripts located in content-portlet/www/

And they are:

unit-navbar: Checks the navigation between units or modules.
Navbar and complete-navbar:  Checks the navigation between sections in the web template.
complete-titlebar, next, home: These are the elements that conform and check the horizontal navigation bar between content pages for one section or subsection.
Subnavbar and complete-subnavbar: These elements check the navigation between subsections.
Each one of these are part of the web template and provides us a graphic simple way to navigate between content pages.

content-portlet/www/prototypes/gestemplate :  Provides the content of the diferents pages of xowiki created automatically by adding the applet in a course.

content-portlet/www/resources : It contains the graphic part of the web template that is being used.  (images, estiles, etc.)


There is an improved version of this package called Learning Content.

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