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Educational Wiki (Eduwiki) Tool

Educational Wiki  (Eduwiki)


The Educational Wiki (Eduwiki) Package is a Wiki tool based on xowiki, Eduwiki aims to be a simple tool for Wiki pages creation in the educational context.
This package lets the teacher to easily define Eduwiki Activities,  there are three Eduwiki Types activities:  Teacher Wiki,  Group Wiki and Student Wiki.
Teacher Wiki activity is a single Wiki Activity managed by the Teacher,  Teacher may set permissions to the students to read and write Wiki pages.
Group Wiki activity creates a Wiki per Group, Teacher may set permissions to read and write Wiki pages by other groups members.
Student Wiki type creates individual Wiki pages per student,  each student can edit an create Wiki pages, teacher may set permissions to the rest of students to view and edit student Wiki pages.

How to Install

Eduwiki package works on: Postgresql 8.2.x+

dotlrn 2.4.1
xowiki 0.116
xotcl-core 0.106
ajaxhelper 0.87d

Installation process:

1. Get the following packages from HEAD:  eduwiki,  eduwiki-portlet,  dotlrn-eduwiki
2. Save packages to packages dir in your .LRN installation
3. Browse to Package Manager to install new packages (eduwiki,  eduwiki-portlet,  dotlrn-eduwiki)
4. Restart the server
5. Activate the applet in a course

Release Notes

Name: Educational Wiki (eduwiki)
Version:  0.1d3 (July 2009)
Developed by:  Hector Amado (Galileo University)
Designed by: Rocael Hernández, Byron Linares (Galileo University)
Requirements by: Daniel Contreras, Rocael Hernández (Galileo University)

Provides a simple interface to create Wiki Activities,  Teacher may set permissions to read, write and create Wiki Pages.
Provides a simple interface to create Wiki Pages (a no-brainer 1 click), and easily include and manipulate web assets such as flash, videos, images, etc.

The package is an OO extension of xowiki,  leaves xowiki package unmodified, is based in XOWiki, since it is a very well maintained tool,  and have many of the desired features such as: easy content tool (plus the advantage that a wiki tools is becoming more and more common), directories, versioning, basic template management, variables, multi-language support.
It provides portlets for .LRN

Technical specs

The Educational Wiki (eduwiki) Package is an OO extension of xowiki.  It's based on Policy ::xowiki::policy3, to set permissions per pages.

A new proc was created to manage Eduwiki Activities, eduwiki::set_eduwiki_permissions,  this proc set permissions to new pages based
on the activity definition.


Start and end date editing functionality
Integration with evaluation package

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