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Filtered by category DotLrn, 91 - 100 of 106 Postings (all, summary)

Anon Eval Portlet

Created by Emmanuelle Raffenne, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 16 Sep 2013, at 01:29 PM

Package Specification Summary for Package: ae-portlet

Summary: Anonymous course evaluations portlet
Maturity: New Submission or Maturity Unknown
This package depends on: assessment
Packages that depend on ae-portlet: dotlrn-ae
Package parameters: None

Bug Tracker Summary for Package: ae-portlet

There is no package with the name "ae-portlet" known to bug-tracker.

Code Metrics Summary for Package: ae-portlet

# Tcl Procs 0
# Tcl Lines 0
# Tcl Blank Lines 1
# Tcl Comment Lines 0
# Automated Tests 0
# Stored Procedures PG: 0 ORA: 0
# SQL Lines PG: 0 (blank 1 comments 0) ORA: 0 (blank 1 comments 0)
# ADP pages 0
# ADP lines 0
# Include pages (ae-portlet/lib/) 0
# Documentation pages 0
# Documentation lines 0
Browse Source Not installed
Github Repository:

Anon Eval Applet

Created by Emmanuelle Raffenne, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 16 Sep 2013, at 01:29 PM

Package Specification Summary for Package: dotlrn-ae

Summary: dotLRN package for anonymous course evaluations
Maturity: New Submission or Maturity Unknown
This package depends on: ae-portlet dotlrn
Packages that depend on dotlrn-ae: None
Package parameters: None

Bug Tracker Summary for Package: dotlrn-ae

There is no package with the name "dotlrn-ae" known to bug-tracker.

Code Metrics Summary for Package: dotlrn-ae

# Tcl Procs 0
# Tcl Lines 0
# Tcl Blank Lines 1
# Tcl Comment Lines 0
# Automated Tests 0
# Stored Procedures PG: 0 ORA: 0
# SQL Lines PG: 0 (blank 1 comments 0) ORA: 0 (blank 1 comments 0)
# ADP pages 0
# ADP lines 0
# Include pages (dotlrn-ae/lib/) 0
# Documentation pages 0
# Documentation lines 0
Browse Source Not installed
Github Repository:

Cards portlet

Created by Emmanuelle Raffenne, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 16 Sep 2013, at 01:27 PM

Package Specification Summary for Package: cards-portlet

Maturity: New Submission or Maturity Unknown
This package depends on: new-portal cards
Packages that depend on cards-portlet: dotlrn-cards
Package parameters: None

Bug Tracker Summary for Package: cards-portlet

There is no package with the name "cards-portlet" known to bug-tracker.

Code Metrics Summary for Package: cards-portlet

# Tcl Procs 0
# Tcl Lines 0
# Tcl Blank Lines 1
# Tcl Comment Lines 0
# Automated Tests 0
# Stored Procedures PG: 0 ORA: 0
# SQL Lines PG: 0 (blank 1 comments 0) ORA: 0 (blank 1 comments 0)
# ADP pages 0
# ADP lines 0
# Include pages (cards-portlet/lib/) 0
# Documentation pages 0
# Documentation lines 0
Browse Source Not installed
Github Repository:

Application track portlet

Created by Emmanuelle Raffenne, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 16 Sep 2013, at 01:23 PM

Package Specification Summary for Package: application-track-portlet

Maturity: New Submission or Maturity Unknown
This package depends on: application-track
Packages that depend on application-track-portlet: dotlrn-application-track
Package parameters:
the portal region to put this portlet into (default 1, type number, scope instance)
the pretty name (default #application-track.pretty_name#, type string, scope instance)
The length of the summary to display in the portlet (default 1000, type number, scope instance)

Bug Tracker Summary for Package: application-track-portlet

There is no package with the name "application-track-portlet" known to bug-tracker.

Code Metrics Summary for Package: application-track-portlet

# Tcl Procs 0
# Tcl Lines 0
# Tcl Blank Lines 1
# Tcl Comment Lines 0
# Automated Tests 0
# Stored Procedures PG: 0 ORA: 0
# SQL Lines PG: 0 (blank 1 comments 0) ORA: 0 (blank 1 comments 0)
# ADP pages 0
# ADP lines 0
# Include pages (application-track-portlet/lib/) 0
# Documentation pages 0
# Documentation lines 0
Browse Source Not installed
Github Repository:

IMS LD Portlet

Created by Robert Taylor, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 16 Sep 2013, at 01:12 PM

Package Specification Summary for Package: imsld-portlet

Maturity: New Submission or Maturity Unknown
This package depends on: imsld
Packages that depend on imsld-portlet: dotlrn-imsld
Package parameters:
When evaluating the conditions of the UoL there can bee infinite loops. A counter is used to avoid crashing the server. If after ConditionsRecursionLimit times of evaluating the conditions (for a single event) the player is not in a stable state, an error is thrown. (default 100, type number, scope instance)
Every TimeLimitIntervalCheck SECONDS the system will search for the activities (methods, plays, acts) whose time-limit has been elapsed and will mark them as finished Leave this parameter in 0 if you don't want this feature enabled (the time-limit in the spec will be ignored) (default 0, type number, scope instance)

Bug Tracker Summary for Package: imsld-portlet

There is no package with the name "imsld-portlet" known to bug-tracker.

Code Metrics Summary for Package: imsld-portlet

# Tcl Procs 0
# Tcl Lines 0
# Tcl Blank Lines 1
# Tcl Comment Lines 0
# Automated Tests 0
# Stored Procedures PG: 0 ORA: 0
# SQL Lines PG: 0 (blank 1 comments 0) ORA: 0 (blank 1 comments 0)
# ADP pages 0
# ADP lines 0
# Include pages (imsld-portlet/lib/) 0
# Documentation pages 0
# Documentation lines 0
Browse Source Not installed
Github Repository:

Application track

Created by Emmanuelle Raffenne, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 13 Sep 2013, at 12:25 AM

Package Specification Summary for Package: application-track

Summary: Gives information about the use of applications within communities or classes.
Description: Gives information about the use of applications within communities or classes.
Maturity: New Submission or Maturity Unknown
This package depends on: None
Packages that depend on application-track: application-track-portlet
Package parameters: None

Bug Tracker Summary for Package: application-track

Open Bugs: 0
All Tracked Issues: 0
Latest Bug Opened: This package has no open bugs.
Latest Bug Fixed: No bugs have been fixed in this package.
Top Bug Submitters:
Top Bug Fixers:

Code Metrics Summary for Package: application-track

# Tcl Procs 0
# Tcl Lines 0
# Tcl Blank Lines 1
# Tcl Comment Lines 0
# Automated Tests 0
# Stored Procedures PG: 0 ORA: 0
# SQL Lines PG: 0 (blank 1 comments 0) ORA: 0 (blank 1 comments 0)
# ADP pages 0
# ADP lines 0
# Include pages (application-track/lib/) 0
# Documentation pages 0
# Documentation lines 0
Browse Source Not installed
Github Repository:

MMplayer Portlet

Created by Gustaf Neumann, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 12 Sep 2013, at 12:24 PM

Package Specification Summary for Package: mmplayer-portlet

Maturity: New Submission or Maturity Unknown
This package depends on: new-portal mmplayer
Packages that depend on mmplayer-portlet: dotlrn-mmplayer
Package parameters: None

Bug Tracker Summary for Package: mmplayer-portlet

There is no package with the name "mmplayer-portlet" known to bug-tracker.

Code Metrics Summary for Package: mmplayer-portlet

# Tcl Procs 0
# Tcl Lines 0
# Tcl Blank Lines 1
# Tcl Comment Lines 0
# Automated Tests 0
# Stored Procedures PG: 0 ORA: 0
# SQL Lines PG: 0 (blank 1 comments 0) ORA: 0 (blank 1 comments 0)
# ADP pages 0
# ADP lines 0
# Include pages (mmplayer-portlet/lib/) 0
# Documentation pages 0
# Documentation lines 0
Browse Source Not installed
Github Repository:

LORS management

Created by Emmanuelle Raffenne, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 12 Sep 2013, at 12:20 PM

Package Specification Summary for Package: lorsm

Summary: Application to manage the services from the Learning Object Repository.
Description: This application manages the services from the Learning Object Repository: upload courses, manage and create metadata, delete resources and courses.
Maturity: New Submission or Maturity Unknown
This package depends on: acs-datetime lors views
Packages that depend on lorsm: lors-central lorsm-includelet lorsm-portlet
Package parameters: None

Bug Tracker Summary for Package: lorsm

Open Bugs: 2
All Tracked Issues: 4
Latest Bug Opened: 2008-02-25 File not Found
Latest Bug Fixed: 2007-03-16 Course upload gives form error.
Top Bug Submitters: Michael Totschnig (2) Olga C. Santos (1) Antonio Mejias (1)
Top Bug Fixers: Michael Totschnig (2)

Code Metrics Summary for Package: lorsm

# Tcl Procs 0
# Tcl Lines 0
# Tcl Blank Lines 1
# Tcl Comment Lines 0
# Automated Tests 0
# Stored Procedures PG: 0 ORA: 0
# SQL Lines PG: 0 (blank 1 comments 0) ORA: 0 (blank 1 comments 0)
# ADP pages 0
# ADP lines 0
# Include pages (lorsm/lib/) 0
# Documentation pages 0
# Documentation lines 0
Browse Source Not installed
Github Repository:

LORS - Learning Objects Repository Service

Created by Emmanuelle Raffenne, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 12 Sep 2013, at 12:19 PM

Package Specification Summary for Package: lors

Summary: IMS Content Packaging and Medata Services. Implementation of IMS CP and MD for .LRN
Description: This is a service and library to manage IMS Content Packaging and Metadata. From version 0.4d onward it supports SCORM and Blackboard imports
Maturity: Immature
This package depends on: acs-subsite file-storage
Packages that depend on lors: lors-central lorsm
Package parameters: None

Bug Tracker Summary for Package: lors

Open Bugs: 5
All Tracked Issues: 15
Latest Bug Opened: 2006-06-19 LORS requires Javascript
Latest Bug Fixed: 2021-01-05 Error while loading images and css-style files in ie6.
Top Bug Submitters: Eduardo Pérez (3) Malte Sussdorff (2) Michele Slocovich (2) Olga C. Santos (2) Luis de la Fuente (1)
Top Bug Fixers: Ernie Ghiglione (4) Dave Bauer (2) Jeff Davis (1) Emmanuelle Raffenne (1) Michele Slocovich (1) Antonio Pisano (1)

Code Metrics Summary for Package: lors

# Tcl Procs 0
# Tcl Lines 0
# Tcl Blank Lines 1
# Tcl Comment Lines 0
# Automated Tests 0
# Stored Procedures PG: 0 ORA: 0
# SQL Lines PG: 0 (blank 1 comments 0) ORA: 0 (blank 1 comments 0)
# ADP pages 0
# ADP lines 0
# Include pages (lors/lib/) 0
# Documentation pages 0
# Documentation lines 0
Browse Source Not installed
Github Repository:

LORS central

Created by Emmanuelle Raffenne, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 12 Sep 2013, at 12:18 PM

Package Specification Summary for Package: lors-central

Summary: Application to manage the services from the Learning Object Repository.
Description: This application manages the services from the Learning Object Repository: upload master courses, manage and create metadata, add resources and files to existent courses, creates new versions of LO's.
Maturity: New Submission or Maturity Unknown
This package depends on: clipboard lors lorsm dotlrn-lorsm views acs-datetime
Packages that depend on lors-central: None
Package parameters:
Restricts the users who can acces and modify courses in lors-central package. 1 - Only the swa, 0 - everybody. Defaults to 0 (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Set to 1 if you want to upload courses using lors-central package instead of lorsm. You will need to have installed lors-central for this parameter to work. (default 0, type number, scope instance)

Bug Tracker Summary for Package: lors-central

Open Bugs: 1
All Tracked Issues: 1
Latest Bug Opened: 2006-04-03 edit scorm course page using lors central break page
Latest Bug Fixed: No bugs have been fixed in this package.
Top Bug Submitters: dennis sacks (1)
Top Bug Fixers:

Code Metrics Summary for Package: lors-central

# Tcl Procs 0
# Tcl Lines 0
# Tcl Blank Lines 1
# Tcl Comment Lines 0
# Automated Tests 0
# Stored Procedures PG: 0 ORA: 0
# SQL Lines PG: 0 (blank 1 comments 0) ORA: 0 (blank 1 comments 0)
# ADP pages 0
# ADP lines 0
# Include pages (lors-central/lib/) 0
# Documentation pages 0
# Documentation lines 0
Browse Source Not installed
Github Repository:

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