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Bugtracker Cleanup Project

Created by Dave Bauer, last modified by Benjamin Brink 29 Jun 2017, at 03:10 AM

Currently (Wednesday, May 9, 2007) there are 228 open bugs in OpenACS and .LRN (Note I had to multiple 25 time the number of full pages  of bugs and tack on the last 3 on the last page the numbers next to the filters don't reflect the actual current state.) The list of bugs in the bugtracker does not reflect the reality of the release status of the toolkit. That is, the core developers and the automated tests show that OpenACS core and .LRN are pretty stable and work as expected.

There are some quite old bugs, along with suggestions, todos and more reported in the bugtracker. Its quite possible a bug was fixed without a developer noticing a reported bug in the bugtracker that should have been closed. Some bugs have become irrelevant due to changes in OpenACS since the bug was first reported.

Around OpenACS 5.1 there were even goals for number of open priority 1 bugs (0) before a release was declared final. I think it is a good goal to have the bugtracker reflect the real status of a release.

To do this we need volunteers to go through existing bugs, and check if they are still relevant, check for patches, and close the bug, fix it, or as for help in resolving a bug.

Here is a proposal for a procedure to meet this goal


  1. Test is a bug can be duplicated on the newest release of OpenACS 5.3.1 or .LRN 2.3.0. If not it should be marked not reproducible and closed. If more information is necessary that should be marked and the bug reassigned to the original submitter.
  2. If the bug is reproducible, and the tester does not feel they have the knowledge to fix the bug themselves, a request for assistance should be made. At this point a more experienced volunteer will need to help out. It would be wonderful, although it is not required, if volunteers ask for help, then take this advice to learn more about the toolkit, and try to fix it themselves. This is definitely NOT required to contribute to this effort. Anyone who can try to reproduce a bug on a test server can contribute.
  3. If a decision needs to be made, whether a bug should be fixed, for core packages, the OCT should decide. For .LRN packages that are released with .LRN, the .LRN Leadership Team should decide. For other packages, it would be great if someone who uses or develops with the package will step up as maintainer and make that decision.

This is meant as a quick simple proposal to get a discussion going, and hopefully a volunteer effort organized to make the bugtracker reflect the real status of the code. Any suggestions are welcome.



1. bug bash. Maybe coincide with a Tcl/Tk conference (for those not following the Tk part).




ACS API Browser

Created by Nick Carroll, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 28 Jun 2017, at 08:40 PM

Package Specification Summary for Package: acs-api-browser

Summary: Interactive documentation for the Tcl and SQL APIs.
Description: On line interactive documentation for the locally installed Tcl and SQL APIs. Links to the Tcl core and NaviServer online documentation as well.
Maturity: Mature and Standard
This package depends on: acs-tcl acs-kernel
Packages that depend on acs-api-browser: acs-automated-testing xotcl-core
Package parameters:
Should we highlight syntax and hyperlink procedure names when showing procedure source code? (1 for yes, 0 for no) (default 1, type number, scope instance)
Boolean parameter to activate/deactivate CSRF protection for this package instance (default 1, type number, scope instance)

Bug Tracker Summary for Package: acs-api-browser

Open Bugs: 3
All Tracked Issues: 22
Latest Bug Opened: 2017-06-25 OpenACS Tcl API Search does not support parentheses
Latest Bug Fixed: 2024-10-13 about_package_key Redirection no functional.
Top Bug Submitters: Michael Aram (4) Benjamin Brink (4) Torben Brosten (3) Benjamin Bytheway (1) Brian Fenton (1)
Top Bug Fixers: Gustaf Neumann (13) Dave Bauer (3) Don Baccus (1) Roberto Mello (1) Torben Brosten (1)

Code Metrics Summary for Package: acs-api-browser

# Tcl Procs 50
# Tcl Lines 2376
# Tcl Blank Lines 260
# Tcl Comment Lines 241
# Automated Tests 16
# Stored Procedures PG: 0 ORA: 0
# SQL Lines PG: 0 (blank 1 comments 0) ORA: 0 (blank 1 comments 0)
# ADP pages 14
# ADP lines 421
# Include pages (acs-api-browser/lib/) 1
# Documentation pages 0
# Documentation lines 0
Browse Source API-browser
Github Repository:




Created by Benjamin Brink, last modified by Benjamin Brink 24 Jun 2017, at 08:09 AM

some text..

some text..


Documentation History

Created by OpenACS community, last modified by Benjamin Brink 24 Jun 2017, at 05:19 AM

The history of OpenACS documentation: ..began by building on a good documentation base from ArsDigita's ACS in the late 1990's. The ACS documentation was largely written in docbook. Some sections of the documentation, however, lacked details and examples; others simply did not exist. The OpenACS community began meeting the challenge by identifying needs and writing documentation on an as needed basis.

By having documentation dependent on volunteers and code developers, documentation updates lagged behind the evolving system software. As significant development changes were made to the system, existing documentation became dated, and its value significantly reduced. The valiant efforts that were made to keep the documentation current proved too difficult as changes to the system sometimes had far-reaching affects to pages throughout the documentation. System integration and optimization quickly rendered documentation obsolete for developers. The code became the substitute and source for documentation.

There are many thousands of lines of code, and few developers tracking changes and publishing the changes. Subsequently features and advances to the OpenACS system went unnoticed or were not well understood except by the code authors. Work was duplicated as a consequence of developers not realizing the significant work completed by others. New developers had to learn the system through experience with working with it and discussion in the forums. Informal sharing of experiential and tacit knowledge has become the OpenACS community's main method of sharing knowledge.

Around 2006, efforts were made to build a consensus in new ways to overcome existing documentation limitations. Like most any diverse community, a consensus could not be reached. Time has distilled efforts into three approaches that augment OpenACS' primary source of documentation: OpenACS code itself.

Documentation Project

Created by Robert Taylor and Ryan Gallimore, last modified by Benjamin Brink 24 Jun 2017, at 04:21 AM

The managing of OpenACS documentation has evolved a few different ways. Instead of working on a unified consensus in managing the OpenACS documentation, there are primarily three efforts:

Approach 0: Continue updating docbook documentation via CVS (for those with access to CVS).

Approach 3: en:New_Documentation_Process is migrating the original OpenACS docbook docs to an xowiki instance.

Approach 4: en:Documentation_Project_Plan is building new documentation based on how the brain likes to chunk using subsystems. 

See en:Documentation_Project_Discussion for current status.

.LRN Zen Project: Standards

Created by Avni Khatri, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 22 Jun 2017, at 09:44 AM


  • Goal: WAI-AA compliance

Steps to Cleanup (Zenify) a Package Page

  1. View Page in a browser and view source of page
  2. Check Doctype
  3. Check Title (optional)
  4. Check for H1-Hn and make sure they are in order. If not, make them so.
  5. Close all HTML tags
  6. Make sure there is no inline CSS
  7. Add an ALT attribute for IMG tags
  8. Add a TITLE attribute for A tags as necessary
  9. Check all user visible text and make sure it is using message keys instead of text
  10. If page has a form, make sure it is using formbuilder
  11. If page has data in tabular format, make sure it is using listbuilder
  12. Run accessibility tests


  1. First target: Validated HTML 4.01 Strict
  2. Code:
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
  3. Background: Choosing a DOCTYPE. Why not XHTML? See

Basic Page Requirements

  1. Title: should be in title tag, breadcrumbs, and h1 at top of page.
    1. To accomplish that, ADP pages using the <master> tag should pass the following properties.

      <property name="title">Page Title</property>
      <property name="context">{ { breadcrumb_url link_title } .. last_breadcrumb_element, title unless there is a good reason for it to be something else}</property>

      You don't need to manually build the context bar UNLESS you want to include a URL that is not part of the site map. In other words, the context for 99% of pages should just be a one element list containing the page title or other text you want as the last element of the context bar.  (DAVEB)

      Title and context variables are set in the Tcl file so the property call looks like this
      <property name="title">@title;literal@</property>
      <property name="context">@context;literal@</property>
  2. Use message keys instead of text.

Applying new CSS and HTML clean-up 

  • Close HTML tags (LI, P, etc.)
  • ID attributes must start with a letter
  • Styles should be in CSS (no inline styles)
  • Provide an ALT attribute for IMG tags (chekpoint 1.1 - priority 1 - A). The ALT text should be localized. When the image is used for layout only, set an empty string for ALT (ALT="").
  • Clearly identify the target of each link (A tag) by providing an TITLE attribute (checkpoint 13.1 - priority 2 - AA). The text should be meaningful and localized. More Info:
  • For data tables, identify row and column headers (checkpoint 5.1 - priority 1 - A). The best is to use list template when it's possible. Otherwise, make sure:
    • your table has a summary tag
    • you use <caption><thead> <tfooot><tbody> where appropriate.
    • you give column and row headers a scope: <thead> <th id=""> <tbody> <td headers="">
    • If you headers are really long you give them abbr.      
      <table class="list-table" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" summary="Data for folders">
        <tr class="list-header">
         <th class="list-table" id="folders_name">Name</th>
         <th class="list-table" id="folders_type">Type</th>
         <th class="list-table" id="folders_size">Size</th>
        <tr class="odd">
         <td class="list-table" headers="folders_name"><a href="#">Course 2 Files</a></td>
         <td class="list-table" headers="folders_type">folder</td>
         <td class="list-table" headers="folders_size">2 items</td>
        <tr class="even">
         <td class="list-table" headers="folders_name"><a href="#">Course 1 Files</a></td>
         <td class="list-table" headers="folders_type">folder</td>
         <td class="list-table" headers="folders_size">2 items</td>

Form Builder and Template

  1. All forms will use the default form template (standard.adp) now. 
    1. Therefore, there is no longer a need to have  the "style" attribute in the formtemplate tag.  (i.e. <formtemplate id=zen style=inline>). We can get rid of this attribute on all forms that currently use it.
    2. Instead, there are different CSS classes that can be applied to all forms to get the same effect of inline.adp, plainest.adp, and other form templates while actually using the zen-ified standard.adp.  The form class to be used is passed in the "html" parameter of the ad_form proc.                                                                     
      • Example:
        • ad_form -name "zen" -method post -html {class vertical-form}..... -form {....}
        • This will render: <form name="zen" method="post" class="vertical-form">
  2. List of form classes available and example URLs.
    • Note: Example forms are checked into the 5.3 branch. Example files are listed below.
    • margin-form : This is the default form class if none is passed to the ad_form proc
      • /packages/theme-zen/doc/forms/index*
    • vertical-form
      • /packages/theme-zen/doc/forms/form-vertical*
    • inline-form : Replaces inline.adp
      • /packages/theme-zen/doc/forms/form-inline*
  3. Example:
    • Change:
      • <formtemplate id=zen style=inline>
    • To:
      • <formtemplate id=zen>
      • And modify the tcl ad_form call to pass a class to the form, so it will be like this:
        • ad_form -name "zen" ... -html {... class inline-form}.... -form {...}
  4. If the form you working on started out as <formtemplate id="zen">, then you probably don't need to change the formtemplate or the form class. The defaults will  most likely work fine. Look at the page in a browser and see how it is rendered.  If you have any questions about which formtemplate to use, ask Mark Wylie.
  5. Fieldsets and Fieldset Legends
    1. Legends need to be short, there is no line wrapping for legends
    2. more fieldset and legend info coming soon
  6. If you have to hand code a form, it should look something like this:
<form class="margin-form">
  <legend>Short Legend</legend>
  <div class="form-item-wrapper">
   <div class="form-label">
    <label for="first_name">First Name</label>
     <div class="form-required-mark">(required)</div>
   <div class="form-widget">
    <input type="text" name="first_name" id="first_name" size="30" />
   <div class="form-help-text">
    <img src="images/icons/info.png" alt="info" width="16" height="16" /> Some info text
   <div class="form-error">
    <img src="images/icons/exclamation.png" alt="error" width="16" height="16" /> This field was in error
  <div class="form-button">
   <input type="submit" name="formbutton:submit" value="submit" />

Using sections in ad_form

The "section" element property is not longer supported. See Web_Forms for an example of how to use sections in ad-form.

List Builder and Template

When creating a list template that contains links, provide a title attribute (with a meaningful and localized text) for each of them (checkpoint 13.1 - priority 2 - AA). Example:

template::list::create \
    -name messages \
    -html [list summary "Summary title"] \
    -caption "Optional caption" \
    -multirow messages \
    -page_size $page_size \
    -page_query_name messages_select_paginate \
    -pass_properties { moderate_p } \
    -actions $actions \
    -elements {
        subject {
            label "[_ forums.Subject]"
            link_url_col message_url
            link_html {title "[_ forums.goto_thread_subject]" class "myclass"}

This is also true for actions list. Example:

lappend actions [_ forums.Post_a_New_Message]\
	[export_vars -base "${base_url}message-post" { forum_id }]\
	[_ forums.Post_a_New_Message]

New Parameters

  • caption - optional
  • summary - required for AA. There is a default in place: "Data for %list_name%" 

 W3C Web Content Accessibility Checkpoints

Zen aims at being Level AA compliant (priority 2 checkpoints):


Tools for Checking Accessibility

Accessibility Evaluation Toolbar (Firefox):

  • Disable javascript: alternatives should be provided to js actions
  • Disable styles (CSS): to verify the render for text only browsers
  • Disable images: ALT texts should appear for each image
  • Display title attribute: a meaningful title should be provided for each link
  • Linearize page: tables should linearize well
  • Validate local HTML
  • Validate local CSS
  • Validate local accessibility
  • Validate package and inline (if you're using the new inline class) CSS.

Colour Contrast Analyser ( Firefox):

  • Use the "Luminosity Contrast Ratio" option.
  • For the default CSS, the page should pass at level 2
  • For the HC (High Contrast) CSS, the page should pass at level 3

Fangs, the Screen Reader Emulator (Firefox)

Hera (automatic and manual reports)

WebXact (if HERA is not working)

Others tips

  • Use Opera's View/Small Screen mode to test the handheld.css.

Important Checkpoints

  • WCAG - Checkpoint 3.5: Use header elements to convey document structure
    and use them according to specification.
  • WCAG - Checkpoint 5.3: Do not use tables for layout unless the table makes sense when linearized. Otherwise, if the table does not make sense, provide an alternative equivalent. Documents with two columns or more use tables to give structure. Layers should be used, instead.


SCORM support

Created by Olga C. Santos, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 22 Jun 2017, at 09:22 AM


Current SCORM support is provided by the LORS package: .LRN to incorporate IMS Metadata (IMS-MD 1.2.1) and IMS Content Packaging (IMS-CP 1.1.4) specifications as well as ADL SCORM extensions (SCORM 1.2). See Educational_Standards.

Standards Support.


  • It was initially developed by Ernie Ghiglione
  • E-LANE project
  • Adam Ullman added the SCORM applet for the run time interface from Concurrent Technologies
  • SITT (Michelle y Giancarlo) added delivery-scorm to collect the scores in the database
  • Dave Bauer


LORS Central: version handling, live version management, single item add/edit, others. Uses Content Repository directly, instead of file-storage


  • Incompatibilities between the java server and client environments
  • LORSM: Emma and Don are doing bug-fixing
  • LORS central: Galileo is doing bug-fixing. It clones LORSM, so improvemnts in LORSM have to be integrated 

Community members interests:

  • Matthew Coupe: Requires SCORM support to run SCORM courses. LORS central will be a nice to have feature as will integration with assessments, forums and chat.
  • aDeNu Group (UNED) requires SCORM support to run accessible SCORM based courses for ALPE project
  • Innova Group (UNED) is migrating LORS to Oracle to provide SCORM support in aLF (UNED customization of dotLRN)
  • Galileo wants to deploy LORS Central
  • Don Baccus needs basic course sequencing for a current client project


See SCORM Roadmap presented at the Workshop on Educational Standards and Methodologies support in dotLRN at OpenACS and .LRN Spring Conference, Vienna 2007.

Short term:

  • Fix bugs both in LORSM and LORS Central
  • Assure that SCORM sessions are recorded
  • Dynamic integration of Forums and File storage (as Assessment is done)

Medium term:

  • Combine LORSM and LORS Central to include version handling, live version management, single item add/edit, content repository instead of file-storage, but keeping their different scopes: LORS central handles very well centralized management, although it could do in a per course basis as LORSM does, which is for course level management
  • Maintain both probably is not a good approach, LORS Central provides what LORSM does, but Central has features such as: 1) item online add/edit, 2) single place to deploy one course and its versioning among different class instances, 3) native content-repository support (not using file-storage). Note that 1) & 2) are needs for real world deployment of courses.
  • Improve implementation: recompile Java applet vs. rewrite in JavaScript
  • Integrate LORS inside platform space (instead of in full page display)
  • Integrate portlets (forums, assessment, file storage) instead of the whole page
  • Improve accessibility
  • Implement SCORM 2004 v3


  • SCORM 1.2: ATutor, ANGEL, Kewl, OLAT, Docebo, WebCT
  • SCORM 1.3: Blackboard, Claroline, Desire2Learn, TeleTop, Moodle

See eduTools for a comparative comparison.

An appropriate SCORM support is a MUST for dotLRN to be competitive.


Last modified: 2017-06-22 09:22:57.800008+02 

Simple Content Creator / Editor

Created by Rocael Hernández Rizzardini, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 20 Jun 2017, at 10:34 AM


The Content Package aims to be a simple tool for content creation in the educational context. 

  • Provides a simple interface to create web pages (a no-brainer 1 click), and easily include and manipulate web assets such as flash, videos, images, etc.
  • Provides a web template, easy to manage, similar to a PPT template but with built in navigation (sequential navigation, tab based organization, sub tabs supported and per unit / module navigation).
  • Folder, subfolders, pages ordering.
  • Free of "standards" approaches, so professors with basic word knowledge can use it.
  • Auto scroll (focus navigation on the content area).
  • It provides portlets for .LRN

The Content Package is based in XOWiki, since it is a very well maintained tool, and have many of the desired features such as: easy content tool (plus the advantage that a wiki tools is becoming more and more common), directories, versioning, flexible built-in features to handle content more easily (including positioning and segmentation), basic template management, variables, multi-language support.

The Content Package is a configuration package with a set of scripts, xowiki is left unmodified for Content to work. 

Check Galileo University promotional video (in Spanish).

Application architecture design by Byron & Rocael, development by Byron for Galileo University

Try it at:

user & pass: usertest

Check the manuals (in Spanish).


  • Provide collaborative content creation tools while being able to set up roles easily.
  • Integrate to SCORM / LORS

How to install


Works on:

postgresql 8.2.4

xowiki 0.47 +

xotcl 0.47 +


ltree module for PostgreSQL.

Installation Process:


  1. Install ltree module for postgres.
  2. Obtain packages:  content-portlet, dotlrn-content, xowiki,xotcl-core
  3. Move the files of content-portlet/misc/www/*  to xowiki/www/
  4. Move the files of content-portlet/misc/admin/*  to xowiki/www/admin
  5. Move the files of content-portlet/misc/portlets/*   to xowiki/www/portlets/
  6. Go to acs-admin/apm
  7. Choose "install-packages"
  8. Install xotcl-core,  xowiki , content-portlet, dotlrn-content
  9. If xowiki is already installed, reload xowiki
  10. Restart the server.
  11. Activate the applet in one course.


Technical Specs

 Install the content applet in dotlrn will:    

  1. Place the xowiki (INSTANCIA) that will be used with the following personalized characteristics.
  • Parameters:  
  • extra_css : /resources/content-portlet/template/Gestheme.css
  • security_policy: ::xowiki::policyb
  • template_file: ges-view


  • Kind of created pages.
  • ::xowiki::Page : Index for welcoming to the main application: content-portlet/www/prototypes/gestemplate/
  • ::xowiki::Object : 
  • Default object whit the name folder_id in which the use of Xhina editor is configured.
  • es:o_index : Object which manages the presentation of the index page depending on the kind of user.
Source: content-portlet/www/prototypes/gestemplate/
  • ::xowiki::PageTemplate:
  • es:Template_de_ges Web template that manages the presentation and navegation of the future content pages that will be created.
Source: content-portlet/www/prototypes/gestemplate/
  • es:Template_de_header: Template which manages the edition of the content titles.
source: content-portlet/www/prototypes/gestemplate/
  • ::xowiki::PageInstance :
  • es:header_page : used to entry the heading of the future content pages.
Source    : content-portlet/www/prototypes/gestemplate/
  1. Creation of the content index that will be used:  this content index is composed of the following categories:
  • Unit or chapter
  • Introduction
  • Content
  • Activities
  • Glossary
  • Appendix

Content-Portlet Description:
The template es:Template_de_ges  manages the final presentation of the created content pages.
The web template used, is based in three navigation levels.

  • Unit or module
  • Section
  • Subsection

This template is built with a series of scripts, which are responsible of the navigation of every section, is divided in:  header, module navigation, section navigation, subsections navigation, navigation between pages and content.
The navigation is controlled by their respectives scripts located in content-portlet/www/

And they are:

unit-navbar: Checks the navigation between units or modules.
Navbar and complete-navbar:  Checks the navigation between sections in the web template.
complete-titlebar, next, home: These are the elements that conform and check the horizontal navigation bar between content pages for one section or subsection.
Subnavbar and complete-subnavbar: These elements check the navigation between subsections.
Each one of these are part of the web template and provides us a graphic simple way to navigate between content pages.

content-portlet/www/prototypes/gestemplate :  Provides the content of the diferents pages of xowiki created automatically by adding the applet in a course.

content-portlet/www/resources : It contains the graphic part of the web template that is being used.  (images, estiles, etc.)


There is an improved version of this package called Learning Content.


Created by Gustaf Neumann, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 20 Jun 2017, at 10:18 AM

Package developed by Victor Guerra to collect IRC data in wiki pages, running on

dotLRN - Ecommerce

Created by Caroline Meeks, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 18 Jun 2017, at 01:02 PM

Package Specification Summary for Package: dotlrn-ecommerce

Summary: Package to tie the dotLRN, Ecommerce, Assessments and dotLRN Catalog packages together
Description: Package to tie the dotLRN, Ecommerce, Assessments and dotLRN Catalog packages together. Initially intended for the MOS and MGH projects, the goal is to create a reusable module for similar projects.
Maturity: New Submission or Maturity Unknown
This package depends on: dotlrn dotlrn-assessment dotlrn-attendance dotlrn-catalog wps-portlet ecommerce scholarship-fund
Packages that depend on dotlrn-ecommerce: None
Package parameters:
Allow access to community after being accepted, even before registration. Changing this parameter requires a restart. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Support sending of bulk email to selected applicants. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Support attaching notes to an application from administration pages. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
If set, sections can have a price of $0.00 and users get registered immediately. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Allow creating users with email addresses (email address generated by system) (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Allow registration for other users. (default 1, type number, scope instance)
Allow rejecting an application without sending an email to the user. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Support setting of related users. (default 1, type number, scope instance)
Assessment to be answered by users registering for a course that haven't met one or more prerequisites. (default , type number, scope instance)
Allow this time period (in seconds) to elapse before revoking approval for user to register from waiting list. Set to 0 to disable revoking approvals. (default 7776000, type number, scope instance)
Assessment package to be used in waiting lists. (default , type number, scope instance)
Specify the community id whose members we will use in the Assistant field in the add section form. (default , type number, scope instance)
Determines how the calendar is displayed. (default month, type string, scope instance)
Number in seconds to memoize the data used by the main catalog page. (default 10800, type number, scope instance)
Custom fields used in participant registration. (default , type string, scope instance)
Default email domain to be used for group participants and purchasers with no email address. (default , type string, scope instance)
The category_id in ec_categories which should be treated as donation. If non-blank then the interface to buy a donation product is shown. (default , type number, scope instance)
Where to emails go to (patron or participant). (default patron, type string, scope instance)
Allow assigning an assessment to a course which will require users to apply for the course first and be put on the waiting list automatically. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Category tree to hold participant grades (default , type number, scope instance)
Set this to 1 if we want participants to meet a particular grade requirement before they are allowed to participate in the course. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Allow purchasing for groups. (default 1, type number, scope instance)
Specify the community id whose members we will use in the Instructors field in Add Section. (default , type number, scope instance)
The group id that determines the members (default , type number, scope instance)
Whether we give special sale price to members. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
The category_id in ec_categories which should be treated as membership products (default , type number, scope instance)
The amount discounted to multiple item purchases. This needs the parameter MultipleItemDiscountP to be set to 1. (default 5, type number, scope instance)
Enable multiple item discounts, i.e. the first item has the full price and the next items get the discount. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Sends a daily email to site-wide admins a list of courses that meet a waiting list threshold (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Controls whether an email is sent out when an applicant cicks "Apply for this Course" or when a registration assessment is requested. (default 1, type number, scope instance)
Support asking for offer codes for discount prices. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Category tree to use when adding participant-patron relationships. (default , type number, scope instance)
A space separeted list of allowed payment methods. Valid payment methods are 'cc' (Credit Card), 'internal_account' (With extra field asking for internal account code) or 'check'. (default cc, type string, scope instance)
Show links to the calendar that are not Session Events. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Display the category field in the section add/edit form. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Show the buttons to administer template community. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Show only categories used in any course or section. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Support publics pages. (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Do you embed the assessment instead of redirecting to assessment? (default 0, type number, scope instance)
Who receives the welcome email sent when a user joins the community. Either or both participant or purchaser separated by space. (default participant, type string, scope instance)
Configuration: DotlrnEcommerceConfig
A parameter that can hold more parameter values. dotLRN-Ecommerce uses a lot of APM parameters and probably will still grow. Some of the new parameters are just for simple UI items and since a new parameter leads to a version bump this using just this one parameter can save time. The format is: parameter:"value" [parameter:"value" ...] (default , type string, scope instance)

Bug Tracker Summary for Package: dotlrn-ecommerce

There is no package with the name "dotlrn-ecommerce" known to bug-tracker.

Code Metrics Summary for Package: dotlrn-ecommerce

# Tcl Procs 0
# Tcl Lines 0
# Tcl Blank Lines 1
# Tcl Comment Lines 0
# Automated Tests 0
# Stored Procedures PG: 0 ORA: 0
# SQL Lines PG: 0 (blank 1 comments 0) ORA: 0 (blank 1 comments 0)
# ADP pages 0
# ADP lines 0
# Include pages (dotlrn-ecommerce/lib/) 0
# Documentation pages 0
# Documentation lines 0
Browse Source Not installed
Github Repository:

Package: dotlrn Ecommerce

Description:  Integrates payment processing with course registration.

Release Info:

This is being used at Mass General Hospital [case study] and the Museum of Science

More information and a link to admin documentation can be found on the Solution Grove website

dotlrn-ecommerce provides event based email handling, to send email when  users request for a course is submitted, approved or rejected, etc. There is a proposal to generalize this at email-event-handling.

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17 , 5.10 , 5.10.0 , 5.10.1 , 5.9.0 , 5.9.1 , ad_form , ADP , ajax , aolserver , asynchronous , bgdelivery , bootstrap , bugtracker , CentOS , COMET , compatibility , CSP , CSRF , cvs , debian , docker , docker-compose , emacs , engineering-standards , exec , fedora , FreeBSD , guidelines , host-node-map
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