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*nix operating system

Created by OpenACS community, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 13 Jun 2017, at 10:24 AM

*nix operating systems

OpenACS works on most any operating system that behaves in a manner similar to UNIX. (see "Unix-like" by Wikipedia). For example: (links to features lists of OSes)

YUI Project

Created by Ryan Gallimore, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 11 Jun 2017, at 10:33 AM

Notes on an OpenACS wrapper for YUI

  • There is some consensus to use YUI over other JS libraries, e.g. jQuery.
  • Use most complete version - YUI library
  • YUI Loader for dynamic loading.  Each wrapper function in OpenACS loads only the YUI components that it needs.  This is preferable to sending the full 250 KB gzipped library for every page.
  • Download YUI sources from package directory or Yahoo's CDN.
  • Always combine sources into one HTTP download if using CDN
  • UI tests (Selenium IDE/RC) should be written for all wrappers to facilitate testing during development and when YUI is upgraded.
  • Wrappers will be defined by specific tasks like perform an AJAX request and return the response into a div.  The wrapper will take care of loading all required sources into the page.

YUI Theme [Suggestion]



  • Provide a package openacs-theme-yui, which is based on the YUI CSS Foundation

nlunt: A word of warning regarding YUI Loader:
While it sounds like a good idea to load only the modules that are needed, my experience has shown that there may be more benefit to loading a single gzipped file for the javascript and css portions of YUI for a total of 250K that is cached after the first load. This sounds like a lot to load for every page, however, loading just the base modules of YUI may exceed that amount because the individual JavaScript and css files for each module are not gzipped. Loading all of YUI uncompressed is about 1M, so there is considerable benefit in loading the files compressed.

OpenACS/dotLRN Windows Installer Instructions

Created by Byron Linares, last modified by Maurizio Martignano 07 Jun 2017, at 05:34 PM

NOTE: Currently (06/2017), the best option to get OpenACS 5.9.* running on Windows is to use the native windows installation Windows-OpenACS by Spazio IT (Maurizio Martignano).

This page describes the installation of (quite old) components based on cygwin, but might still be useful for people, that can't use Maurizio's implementation for whatever reason:

  • OpenACS 5.2.3
  • DotLRN 2.2.0

Included Software

  • AOLServer 4.0.beta10_2003
  • PostgresSQL 7.4.3
  • OpenACS 5.2.3
  • DotLrn 2.2.0
  • Cygwin

Installer Download :

The installer is available in openacs community page.
Available versions:

  • OpenACS/dotLRN installer
  • OpenACS 5.2.0 installer

Installation Instructions:

Run the "OpenACS/DotLRN Installer" called setup.exe, read the license document before continuing, the installer will ask for some information, this will be used to make the automatic installation.

There are to ways to install the components; manually or automatic


  • dotLRN Manual and openACS Manual:
  • In this modality the entered personal data in the installer will be omitted and will be necessary to retake the installation from a browser window and enter the necessary data to continue the creation of the data modeling.
  • dotLRN Automatic and openACS Automatic
  • In this modality the installer its in charge of all the work, when finishing creating the data model the following step would be to reinitiate the service and continue with the use of the platform.
  • Source Code:
  • The installer will put in the installation folder the source code of the same one.

Select what you want to install and click next. After the installer places all the files, a browser window will be opened and the installation have to be continued from here, if the automatic mode has been selected wait to the installation finishes. When the installation finishes restart the server and type in a web browser "http://localhost"

 Access Icons:

  • OpenACS on the web: access to http://localhost/
  • Start Server: Bach file to initiate the server (aolserver, postgresql, cygwim)
  • Stop Server: Bach file to stop the server (aolserver, postgresql, cygwin)
  • Unistall OpenACS: Uninstall all


  • Check if CygWin: Please execute the file server/cygwin/cygwin.bat.  You should get a black screen with some green text saying: "yourusername@yourcomputer" and the "$".
  • Check PostgreSQL: in the cygwin window typy psql -l , You should get the names of all data base.
  • Check AOLServer: ps -alW | grep nsd , You should get some thing like this
  • 2312 0 0 2312 ? 0 07:52:20 C:\OpenACS\nsd4\bin\nsd.exe

Full guide



developed at the Galileo University ( by Byron Haroldo Linares Roman as part of the E-LANE project (



related forum threads

OpenACS/dotLRN installer for MSWindows

Bulk Upload

Created by OpenACS community, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 07 Jun 2017, at 11:02 AM


pre-release  (part of the ecommerce-g2 project)


There is little consistency between packages for uploading data. Most packages do not offer an import feature. The current practice is to use the database import features directly. This also means creating small scripts or using intermediate applications to manipulate the data prior to import, and using shell commands to get the data into the right security context and location. Mistakes in the import usually have to be corrected with hand-written sql updates. A data importer likely needs to have admin level access and unix level competency, which is beyond the usual skill set required to manage a website application. A bulk-upload package would standardize and ease barriers to setting up and managing OpenACS packages.

Vision Statement

A package that provides standardized UI and import services for bulk uploading data (tables and lists) into existing tables of other packages


  • provide import modes
    • insert rows with new keys only
    • update where rows already exist
    • report any unchanged rows?
    • ignore or error if importing a field not found in tables or specified sets
  • import to multiple tables from the same upload
  • option to print or log ignored or rejected rows/fields
  • use the status_bar feature, that tells when a file is uploaded, and when it is being processed (helps in cases where connection times out)
  • Use this framework to create a UI for managing ACS reference data ( en:acs-reference ) --importing, updating, editing, reporting. (for en:ecommerce-g2 )

Implementation Notes

see also:

Exsiting ecommerce bulk upload of custom fields represents the most flexible at this point, because it handles inserts and updates, and builds the sql as well as uses the xql query files:

Perhaps a dumbed-down spreadsheet data model would work well, to allow for tables of most any number of columns or rows without having to create/expose code that modifies db tables.

DAVEB: In addition to any generic storage of imported data, I think it would be useful to support importing into specific storage tables. The easiest, best examples are the content repository, or dynamic types defined tables and views. There are Tcl apis to insert/update these tables and it makes sense to support this as well.

Don Baccus has other implementations which complement this and may provide an overall development path for a preliminary general bulk upload.

Feature requests


Installing OpenACS on FreeBSD with ports

Created by Gustaf Neumann, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 07 Jun 2017, at 10:28 AM

NEW:  For the impatient users there is a quick-and-dirty install guide for FreeBSD

OpenACS and .LRN are included in the current FreeBSD ports tree.
The ports are tested with FreeBSD production version 6.2-RELEASE, old stable 5.5-RELEASE and the development branch 7-CURRENT.

Installation requirements:

  1. FreeBSD operating system with root access rights.
  2. Installed and updated FreeBSD Ports Collection (for updating see Appendix A below)
    (alternative: installing from packages, see Appendix B)

To install OpenACS or .LRN from the FreeBSD ports tree, follow the instructions below.

1. Installing and configuring PostgreSQL

NOTICE: If you have a PostgreSQL server installed and running, skip to Section 2.

If you desire to use a local PostgreSQL server (most users do), install the server first.
We recommend using PostgreSQL version 8.2 from the databases/postgresql82-server port


# cd /usr/ports/databases/postgresql82-server # make install clean


NOTICE: As an alternative, you may install PostgreSQL server from a binary package. See Appendix B below

The plperl language is required for OpenACS/.LRN. This can be installed from the ports with the following commands:


# cd /usr/ports/databases/p5-postgresql-plperl # make install clean

To install the OpenACS/.LRN database, your PostgreSQL server must be running.
You need to enable it in your /etc/rc.conf (or /etc/rc.conf.local) by adding the following line:


After installing the PostgreSQL server, you have to initialize your data store:

# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/postgresql initdb

To start the PostgreSQL server, issue the following command:

# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/postgresql start

You can check if the server is up and running with:

# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/postgresql status


2. Installing OpenACS / .LRN

2.1 Installing the OpenACS or .LRN port 

OpenACS can be installed directly from the FreeBSD ports tree, www/openacs:

# cd /usr/ports/www/openacs
# make install clean

.LRN installation, www/openacs-dotlrn:

# cd /usr/ports/www/openacs-dotlrn
# make install clean

NOTICE: If you want to make changes to the default configuration, the AOLserver configuration files for OpenACS/.LRN files are located at:

NOTICE: If you installed both OpenACS and .LRN ports, you have to change the default port of one of the installations. See the configuration files in the previous notice.


2.2 Creating the OpenACS/.LRN database 

For this step, you require an installed and running PostgreSQL server (see Section 1) and installed OpenACS/.LRN (see Section 2.1)

First we need to adjust the PostgreSQL configuration (this applies for server versions 8.1.x and higher):

# /usr/local/share/doc/openacs/

or if .LRN was installed: 

# /usr/local/share/doc/dotlrn/

NOTICE: You can adjust the configuration manually (standard location: /usr/local/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf)
Please see en:How_to_install_in_Postgres_8.x.

The PostgreSQL server needs to be restarted after changing the configuration:

# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/postgresql restart

Next, we can create a default OpenACS database by running the following script:

# /usr/local/share/doc/openacs/

To create a default .LRN database, run the following script:

# /usr/local/share/doc/dotlrn/



2.3 Starting OpenACS/.LRN and finalizing installation 

To make use of the automatic startup script OpenACS/.LRN has to be enabled in /etc/rc.conf (or /etc/rc.conf.local):



or for .LRN:


To start OpenACS, use the following command:

# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/openacs start

To start .LRN, use the following command:

# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/dotlrn start

Now you can login to your OpenACS/.LRN system and finalize the installation.
The default port is 8000. URL:


After filling your e-mail address, password and other important information OpenACS/.LRN gets installed, but the server stops.
You have to start it again (see above).

 A. Updating the FreeBSD ports tree

To get the latest versions of the OpenACS, .LRN and other FreeBSD ports, it is recommended to update the FreeBSD ports tree on a regular basis. The easiest way to to perform this task is using the portsnap(8) command.

For documentation, refer to the following FreeBSD Handbook chapters:
Using the Ports Collection
Using Portsnap


B. Installing from binary packages

PostgreSQL, OpenACS, .LRN and all dependent ports may be installed from binary packages, too.
This installation can be performed from a submenu of FreeBSD's sysinstall(8) command: Configure/Packages

OpenACS and .LRN are located in subcategory www, PostgreSQL is in subcategory databases.


C. Contact information and bug reporting

Please send bug reports and feature suggestions to the port maintainer of OpenACS/.LRN FreeBSD ports:
Martin Matuska <mm_at_FreeBSD_dot_org>

.LRN 2.4 Release Management

Created by Emmanuelle Raffenne, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 07 Jun 2017, at 09:32 AM


  • Current status: Released! (see the release notes)
  • Next release date: no further releases are planned for this version
  • Stable release: 2.4.1 released October 27th, 2008
  • Feature freeze and branch: March 11th, 2008

.LRN 2.4 will contain acs-core, dotlrn-all and dotlrn-extras packages. See Aliases at CVS for a detailed list of the packages included in those aliases.

Releases are coordinated by the .LRN Leadership Team.

Weekly technical meetings in IRC at openacs channel:

  • From March 31st to October 26th, 2008: Tuesdays at 16:00 GMT
  • From October 27th to December 31st: Tuesdays at 17:00 GMT

To do and goals

New features

  • HTML 4.01 Strict
  • WAI-AA compliant
  • file-storage: categorization (tested and worked as expected - vguerra)
  • views: oracle support
  • forums: read/unread per message and user ?

2.4.1 To-do List

Package What Who State
Forums Permissions. See forums for details -- pending
All Accessibility: see forums for details  emmar  DONE

2.4.0 To-do List

The table below lists the bug fixed for 2.4.0

Package/Topic What Who State
Accessibility A few improvements, see forums for details emmar DONE
Accessibility Color of the class portal doesn't pass the luminosity contrast test (ratio = 3:1, should be 5:1 for normal text) daveb FIXED
new-portal set default layout to theme-zen when a new page is added to a portal donb FIXED
 theme-selva fix CSS donb

FIXED (somewhat)

I fixed the basic portal layout and decoration stuff, nothing else.  If someone else cares about selva, please other css issues as you find them

forums message-view expand/collapse should toggle (but it's done in javascript so the page doesn't know what the current state is) or we should just delete the options as we did in 2.3.  Also the print button should disappear - print should be handled by linking the package's print.css file using media="print", with printing then handled by the browse as it is meant to be in this modern era. vguerra The proposed fix was incomplete (only one cookie value for all threads), feature will be removed from 2.4.  Victor can fix it in HEAD for a future release if he wishes to.
forums doesn't work for oracle donb FIXED
forums forums: the "new" tag in the forums portlet lasts longer than the "bold" mark of new messages in the forum page (forum-view) vguerra FIXED
forums when posting a message ( without previewing it ) part of the screen gets black  vguerra

xinha problem (core)

forums testing upgrade regarding the "readinginfo" new feature




file-storage file upload doesn't work for oracle  donb FIXED (CR in core)
lorsm failed because of the oracle port of views. emmar FIXED
dotlrn sending email to new members when added to a class/club seems to be broken (no email is sent out). nimam FIXED
dotlrn When renaming department and subject, the package instance pretty name is not edited so the old name still appears in the breadcrumbs morals FIXED
imsld error when applet added to a class (root folder missing) emmar FIXED (CR in core)

merge version from 5.3 to 5.4

derick DONE
assessment use form builder where it's possible and finish html 4.01 strict validation afterwards emmar DONE
chat missing upgrade script (from downgrade between 2.3.0 and 2.3.1) emmar/avni FIXED
sending email check and test with the new acs-mail-lite send proc (bulk-mail, forum, evaluation, imsld, etc.) emmar DONE


  • breadcrumbs should start from dotLRN root node instead of the main site.
  • dotlrn root node should be labelled as "Home".
  • The portal page name should appear in the breadcrumbs
  • last element of the breadcrumbs should match the title of the page
emmar DONE

This addition

cvs diff -r 1.5 -r 1.6 lorsm-create.sql

Needs an upgrade script

daveb DONE


.LRN Board of Directors

Created by Rocael Hernández Rizzardini, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 07 Jun 2017, at 09:28 AM

.LRN 2007 Board of Directors

 After the nomination process, the current elected board:

(1 year term: 1/nov/2006 - 31/oct/2007) 

  • Jesus G. Boticario (UNED)
  • Carl Robert Blesius (HMS)
  • Rocael Hernandez (Galileo University)
  • Caroline Meeks (Solution Grove)
  • Carlos Delgado (UC3M)
  • Cesar Brea (Monitor)
  • Gustaf Neumann (WU Wien)

Check the dotLRN governance.

Contact the board: board @t dotlrn dot org. 



.LRN Educational standards support

Created by Olga C. Santos, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 06 Jun 2017, at 11:53 PM

.LRN supports several educational standards in the following packages:

  • LORS: expands .LRN to incorporate IMS Metadata (IMS-MD 1.2.1) and IMS Content Packaging (IMS-CP 1.1.4) specifications as well as ADL SCORM extensions (SCORM 1.2).
  • Assessment: import IMS-QTI 1.2.1 zip files to create an assessment or export an assessment into IMS-QTI 1.2.1.
  • IMS-LD: plays IMS-LD units of learning (UoLs), and is integrated with ADL SCORM, IMS QTI and the .LRN forums. Information about the last stable release can be read in this link. The release was announced here.
  • IMS Enterprise: handle any IMS Enterprise v.1.1 XML document and reflect all the respective data into .LRN.

Both Assessment and LORS are part of dotLRN 2.2.0 and IMS-LD and IMS-Enterprise can be downloaded via the APM package manager.

Last modified: 2017-06-06 23:53:48.516768+02

Javascript Toolbox

Created by Robert Taylor, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 06 Jun 2017, at 09:23 AM

This is a very interesting  website with a lot of JavaScript examples:

Of particular interest is the JavaScript table sorting library that could be used in a few OpenACS based apps:

Package Object Types

Created by Dave Bauer, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 02 Jun 2017, at 02:29 PM

This describes the discussion for TIP#120


APM Packages are all of the same acs_object_type of 'apm_package'.

I propose creating an acs_object_type for each package type as a subtype of apm_package.

This would allow for a hierarchy of package types. The most common example we might think of is dotlrn. The dotlrn package could be a subtype of the subsite package. This would allow an easier way to determine if a package takes on the role of a subsite type package and it could greatly simplify all the code that has to be special-cased to determine if dotlrn is installed.

This would also allow simplification of the case when a new package is created to customize the user interface of another package. For example, many people would like to customize the forums package, to change the style of user interface. If we had a custom-forums package type that was sub-typed from forums, we could have a simple and consistent mechanism to defer pages to the parent package type for handling. This would allow much easier reuse of pages and would make it very simple for local customizations to be handled safely without worrying about accidentally adding custom code back into OpenACS.

 The immediate goal of this work is to make the dotlrn package a subtype of the acs-subsite package. I have done preliminary work to turn dotlrn communities (groups) into application groups of the dotlrn package also. This should make it easier to do an upgrade to an existing dotlrn install that will support subsite based dotlrn.

Previous work includes the subsite::package_keys procedure. This basically is a hard coded list of packages that fulfill the subsite role. Defining children of a subsite object_type would allow greatly flexibility and use the existing features of the toolkit.

 Steps to implement

1) Make a new object_type for existing package_types when a new package type is created. Default is subtype of apm_package.

2) Add parameter to package create code to specify package super-type

3) Add tag to info file super-type which is optional and will default to apm_package. This tag will have the same behavior as requires element so Tcl libraries are loaded of the super-type.

4) Add attribute to apm_package_types for inherit_ui_p to specify if URL resolution will go up the package type hierarchy.

5) Update apm_paramaters to support setting parameters for the super-type package parameters up the package type hierarchy. Allow sub-typed packages to override the default value of an inherited parameter.

6) Fix package loading to load Tcl libraries in package dependency order.


Comments by Don Baccus:

Let's think about UI issues for a moment ... I have an idea to toss out

Currently, abstract URL resolution works like this:

 1. If a file or template at [acs_root_dir]/www/${url_path} exists, return it

2. If a file or template at [acs_root_dir]/packages/[ad_conn package_key]/${url_path} exists, return it

3. 404

 We can extend this if we allow package sub-typing ...

replace 2 with ...

2. set package_key [ad_conn package_key]

2a. while no file exists at [acs_root_dir]/packages/$package_key/$url_path do

2b.   if parent type is apm_package, break, else set package key to parent type's package key

2c. od

2d. if exists - return file or template

In other words, allow for the inheritance of parent package UI.

 Often, of course, this isn't always desirable, so an apm package type would want to have a "don't inherit UI" attribute.  You'd do this, for instance, if you were going to brand new UI for an existing package.  Say ... a portlet.

Inheriting the UI though allows for some things.  For instance, dotlrn could be mounted at /, no need to mount an acs-subsite instance at all as is done now because its UI would already be available (assuming dotlrn was derived from acs-subsite).

How would this impact performance?  Not at all, if the request processor's performance mode is enabled, and when it's not, who cares?

Comments by Gustaf Neumann:

Defining package types as acs-object-types and allowing sub-typing/sub-classing for packages using these is a good idea. As presented at the OpenACS conference in Guatemala, xotcl-core and xowiki support this already since about a year. So is it possible to define the s5-package by reusing xowiki in a few lines of code. Other examples were presented by Victor Barrios (mashup) or Stefan.

Subtyping acs-object-types is just the first step, the (desired) implication are something which might need more discussions. Some changes are desirable for the package manager or the request processor.

Note, that in the xo* packages, it is not only the case that packages are object-types, but that package instances are objects (actually xotcl objects), which provide the package instance specific context for a request. Package instance objects are initialized at the begin and deleted at the end of a request.

Below i will use the term "reused package" for the superclass (the more general package) and the term "specialized package" for the subclass (the more specific package, inheriting from the superclass package).

Here are a few items from my experience:


  1. package loading: if a package reuses an other package via sub-classing, it should load the library files (.../tcl/*tcl) of the sub-classed package as well and initialize it. Daveb, why not use requires tag in the info file? If there is more than one package reusing the same package the library is loaded more than once.
  2. package parameters: a specialized package should inherit the package parameter definitions of the reused package(s)
  3. per-request files (../www/*) and context management: it is desired/necessary to share some of the per-request files and to allow a per-package-instance initialization (constructor)

For the three issues, the xo* packages use the following strategy:

  • package loading:  
    Since the loading order of apm-packages at boot-time is mostly alphabetical, there must be a way to say to load required packages. In particular, the specialized package should load the library files of the reused package (e.g. s5 should load the library files of xowiki) Daveb Would it make more sense to just fix packages to load in required order?
    • Working solution in xo*:
      Add a line like the following to e.g. the first loaded file of the s5 package (the specialized package) to indicate the dependency of xowiki (the reused package)

      ::xo::db::require package xowiki

      This call checks, if the library files of the specified package are already loaded and load it via apm_source, if not (see as well
    • Desired solution:
      While the working approach works fine with moderate effort, it can be improved via the apm-package manager. It should be possible to specify in the package manager "this package is a subclass of some other package" an add the specialized package automatically to the dependency list. The apm* procs should sort the dependencies in a topological order and load the packages this way. There would be no need to figure out what the first loaded file is, since the order is on the package level. Daveb yes APM needs to have support to specify when you create a package. Roc The topological load order is desirable, but at this moment standard OpenACS mostly just loads the libraries that's why we don't see problems often, while in xo* packages you actually use it for construction, right? (that was the problem I detected). Will be good to use topological for subtypes and package dependencies.
  • package parameters:
    Without any support, it would be required to replicate the definition of the package parameter of the reused packaged in the specialized package. Extending/altering the package definitions in reused package would have to be repeated as well in all specialized packages (maybe over some specialization levels)
    • Working solution in xo*:
      xotcl-core has an object oriented package parameter code that searches parameters on the superclass hierarchy of the specialized package. This leads to several space and speed improvements (see e.g. and following pages). The interface of the oo-code mirrors the interface of the classical interface (e.g. parameter get). The implementation does actually more than just searching along a path, it avoids redundancy as far as possible)
    • Desired solution:
      The current implementation allows just to share package parameters, if the specialized package actually wants to overwrite some parameters, it cannot do it, since it uses the old shared/parameters?package... scripts, that are not OO aware. So, currently, to alter parameters they have to be copied or the shared/parameter code has to be adapted.  It should be possible alter the default value of a parameter in a specialized package for further inheritance or other instances of a reused package. It is as well desired to add permissions, maybe, not every package admin should be allowed to alter all package parameters (e.g. changing policies in xowiki in a dotlrn-like installation, where package-admins are teachers/lecturers/...) Daveb I think there is a good proposal around to make this work by scoping parameters at the package level or package instance level that would help here. Permissions is an interesting idea but probably more complex than we need to get started. Roc Will be good implement parameter sharing / reuse (and less redundancy) for non-xo* apps.
  • per-request files and per-instance context management:
    The specialized package will share some files from the reused package (e.g. www/admin), but it also wants to perform some package specific initialization
    • Working solution in xo*:
      the specialized packages use index.vuh files for www and www/admin, all per-request files use ::pkgkey::Package initialize to resolve the context of a package instance and to call the package initialization (see e.g. and from the xotcl-core tutorial).

      An example for the redirector is

      The approach with index.vuh works quite well, since physical existing files override the virtual (index.vuh) redirect. So, all per-request files in www/* in the specialized package, which should be different from the reused package, can be put to the www/* directory of the specialized package (e.g. s5). Not sure, how this approach works over multiple specialization levels.

    • Desired solution:
      As Don points out, the search for files could be done automatically by the request processor in case the package is a specialization of another package. This approach has no problems with multiple specialization levels. One has to sort out as well the interactions of .vuh files and package hierarchy search. Roc The request-processor solution is the best and cleaner.

      It is as well desirable to call from the request-processor the package specific initialization DAVEB. What is a package specific initialization? This seems to refer to xowiki based packages that have initialization procedures that setup the context for the request. I believe this is not a core feature yet.

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