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.LRN Installation (up to .LRN 2.5.0)

Created by Carl Robert Blesius, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 06 Nov 2016, at 09:54 AM



Installing .LRN: Using the VMWare Virtual Machine 

Installing .LRN: Using the Tarball

Installing .LRN: Using CVS

Installing .LRN: Using Debian/Ubuntu Packages


VMWare virtual machine: simple (for a testing and evalution). Tarball: medium to hard (for a production install without source control). CVS: hard but flexible (e.g. makes it easier to update your installation from the code repository between official releases). Debian/Ubuntu: simple to medium (fast and easy install for novices, easy infrastructure deployment for professional users).

Installing .LRN: Using the VMWare Virtual Machine

to be announced. 

Installing .LRN: Using the Tarball

Before you start

Quickly read the OpenACS Installation Overview and if you still feel like you can progress start with the first part of the next section: Install a Unix-like system and supporting software


(skip the obvious portions if you are already running some unix like OS). Download the latest .LRN distribution from the .LRN repository (currently 2.4.1).

Move the tarball into your /tmp directory (replace dotlrn-2.4.1.tgz with the name of the tarball you downloaded, if you downloaded another version):

mv dotlrn-2.4.1.tgz /tmp/

untar it in that directory

cd /tmp
tar zxf dotlrn-2.4.1.tgz

Installation Process

Continue with the other sections of the installation document, but instead of downloading the OpenACS tarball mentioned in the docs (section "Unpack the OpenACS tarball" in the Install Linux and supporting software document), use the .LRN tarball you just downloaded above. This .LRN distribution includes all OpenACS packages needed to install and run .LRN. Throughout the documentation, use your unpacked .LRN tarball under /tmp/dotlrn-2.4.1 (or name of the directory you unpacked it to) instead of instead of the OpenACS tarball referred to in the documentation.

.LRN is automatically installed and configured as part of the installation process if you install using a standard .LRN distribution.

When installation is complete, restart AOLserver as described in the OpenACS installation instructions.  You'll need to wait a few minutes while dotLRN configures itself.  Reload your browser page.  If installation was successful, you'll see a login page. Use the user name and password you entered for the system administrator.  A page will come up that includes a link to sitewide administration.  Visit the link, then click on the "users" link and then approve the system administrator's .LRN membership.

Explore .LRN

Go to .LRN Administration at http://yourserver/dotlrn/admin.  Create a .LRN Community and a couple of users.

Here are some suggestions for things to check out in dotlrn:

Goto /dotlrn your "workspace". Click the "My Account" link at the top and try the "Customize this portal" link there.  Goto the admin pages for a class or community and try the "Manage Membership" link. Create a new sugroup for a class or community. Edit or create new "Custom Portlets".

Installing .LRN: Using CVS

Setting up the Required Infrastructure

The OpenACS documentation page has extensive installation instructions describing how to install needed database and webserver. Follow the instructions up until the point where you are told to download OpenACS and then continue with this document instead.

Notes on using CVS

CVS commandlines are given in terms of anonymous users, if you have an account on, use your login where appropriate. Don't forget to set the CVS_RSH variable in your shell envrioment to "ssh".

Checking out the code

Go to /var/lib/aolserver (create the directory if it is not already present). Checkout the code (this is a complete code checkout and might take a while):

cd /var/lib/aolserver
cvs -d login
cvs -d -r oacs-5-4 co openacs-4
mv openacs-4/packages/dotlrn/install.xml openacs-4


You can then proceed with the normal OpenACS installation instructions.

Explore dotLRN

Go to dotLRN Administration at http://yourserver/dotlrn/admin. Make some dotLRN users, terms, departments, classes.

Here are some suggestions for things to check out in dotlrn:

Goto /dotlrn your "workspace". Click the "Control Panel" link at the top and try the "Customize this portal" link there. Goto the admin pages for a class or community and try the "Manage Membership" link. Create a new sugroup for a class or community. Edit or create new "Custom Portlets".


Automated Installation

As an alternative to the manual CVS checkout and installation described here there are scripts that will automate the install for you. See the OpenACS installation documentation for more details.

Installing .LRN: Using Debian/Ubuntu Packages




Created by Emmanuelle Raffenne, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 19 Oct 2015, at 08:48 AM

.LRN Project

.LRN Home Page - The Official .LRN Home Page

.LRN bug tracker - Use the Open ACS bug tracker to report and check status on bugs for all sections of .LRN. If you need to report a bug and you are not sure what code is causing it, use the "2-dotLRN General" category. Otherwise select the package. Note that all the dotLRN packages are at the bottom of the list.

Get Involved! - how to participate in the community

.LRN Versions

Last stable release: 2.5.0

Next release: see .LRN 2.5 Release Management 

Download from .LRN download page

.LRN Installation

To install .LRN follow the instructions at .LRN_Installation

.LRN Governance

This .LRN Governance page is a proposal based on a meeting by Carl Blesius, Carlos Kloos, Roceal Hernandez and Caroline Meeks.  

Useful Resources

Site Specific Documentation

Official test servers

Page Information

  • Last modified: 2015-10-19 08:48:56.668188+02

Learning Content Tool

Created by Alvaro Rodriguez, last modified by josue ruiz 21 Dec 2012, at 12:22 AM

Learning-Content Tool


User specs
The Learning-Content Package is a simple content creation tool based on xowiki. This package lets you easily create, edit and organize content for a course, taking advantage of xowiki's easy inline edition and revision history.  The package provides a generic template generated automatically with the pages and the categories.
During the edition of the pages there is an interface that allows the addition of terms and definitions to a glossary, linking the words from the content. It comes with an interface that allows linking of certain resources from the course, such as linking evaluations, assessments and forums to the content pages.
There is a new admin section for the content which includes a page to manage the categories in the content tree, an option to show/hide a specific title for the course on every page, user tracking by page or user, and one-click automatic copy of the content to other classes/communities.

Development History


The Content package was first developed by Byron Linares (Galileo University) as a portlet using xowiki as the main package, adding all the files and modifications needed in xowiki. The automatic template included was specific for the Galileo's theme.

Works on:
postgresql 8.2.x
xowiki 0.47
xotcl 0.47

ltree module for postgresql

The package was improved by Alvaro Rodriguez and Viaro Networks team to make it a real package as an extension of xowiki, it was updated to work with the latest version of xotcl-core, xowiki from the oacs-5-4 branch. It was completely ported to Oracle and it no longer requires the ltree module for postgresql.

How to Install

Works on:
Postgresql 8.2.x +
Oracle 9i +

xowiki 0.106.1
xotcl-core 0.100
views 0.1d3
ajaxhelper 0.87d (needs upgrade to YUI 2.5.2+)

Installation process:
  1. Get the following packages from branch oacs-5-4: dotlrn-all, xowiki, xotcl-core, views
  2. Get the following packages from HEAD: learning-content, learning-content-portlet, dotlrn-learning-content, ajaxhelper
  3. Move to the content package folder and run the, this will patch all the files from other packages to integrate them with content new features
    1. To run the script:
      • /$path_to_content_patch/$  sh
  4. Install dotlrn, then install xowiki, xotcl-core, learn-content, learn-content-portlet, dotlrn-learn-content, ajaxhelper and views
  5. Restart the server
  6. Activate the applet in a course

Release Notes

Name: Content
Version: 0.1d  (October 2007)
Developed by: Byron Linares (Galileo University)
  • Provides a simple interface to create web pages and easily include and manipulate web assets such as flash, videos, images, etc.
  • Provides a web template, easy to manage, similar to a PPT template but with built in navigation (sequential navigation, tab based organization, sub tabs supported and per unit / module navigation).
  • Folder, subfolders, pages ordering.
  • Free of "standards" approaches, so professors with basic word knowledge can use it.
  • Auto scroll (focus navigation on the content area).
  • It provides portlets for .LRN

Name: Learn Content (Renamed because Content was a very generic name)
Version: 1.0b (January 2009)
Developed by: Alvaro Rodriguez (Viaro Networks)
  • The package is an OO extension of xowiki, leaves xowiki package unmodified
  • Glossary tool, a plugin for xinha to add words to the glossary during the content edition, an admin page to manage all words and definitions, dynamic popup with the word definition inside the content
  • Integration with other dotlrn resources, a new interface to link resources from the course to the content pages, this allows the content tool to be the reference of a course like SCORM
  • User tracking, reports about all the content pages and all the users views, visits by page and visits by user
  • Header for the content, show/hide a specific title for the course on top of each page of the content
  • An admin section of the content for teachers, the xowiki's inherited admin section is only for swa
  • Automatic copy of the content to other classes/communities inside dotlrn
  • Split up the automatic template in sections to be easily changed (by developers/designers)

Technical specs

The Learn-Content Package is an OO extension of xowiki. The package generic template was split into sections so that it can be easily modified (by a developer/designer).  A new plug-in for the Xinha richtext editor allows it to interact with the new glossary feature. To use this plug-in a parameter in the Xinha configuration must be set (which is automatically added in content).

Every page instantiated along with the package (index, glossary admin, templates, etc) is now in the prototypes section of content. If a site-wide administrator deletes a page it will be loaded again when requested. There is a new admin section that is independent of xowiki's admin section, this section is in a different directory so that different permissions can be set.

Calls to content callbacks have been added to other packages in the add forms to be able to link the resources from those packages to the content pages. The callbacks extend the form of a new object to receive the page_id to be linked to, and inserts the objects into the page once it has been created in the submit section of the form.

A new proc was created that automatically copies content to other classes/comunities using the export and import options of xowiki, complete with all the categories, the mapped objects, and the activities linked to the content.

Each callback is defined and implemented in the learn-content-callback-procs, in the following way:
ad_proc -public -callback "callback_name" -impl content
if a package needs a different implementation of a callback it should be done in the package callbacks procs in the following way:
ad_proc -public -callback "callback_name" -impl $package_key
This callbacks are used inside the page that has the form for creating/editing new in the following way:
callback -catch -impl content "callback_name" -params...

To add a new package to the activities available in content, the callbacks should be added to the file(s) where the objects are created, i.e. forum-new, task-add-edit, etc.
  1. A new parameter called page_instance_id needs to be added to the ad_page_contract
  2. The following callback should be added in a place where the form can be extended
    • callback -catch -impl content learning_content::extend_form -name $form_name -page_instance_id $page_instance_id
  3. The following callback should be added in the submit section of the form after the object has been created
    • callback -catch -impl content learning_content::insert_object -name $object_name -item_id $page_instance_id -activity_id $object_id
  4. The activity should be added to the activity-new and get-activities pages in the learning-content package, check out the existing activities sections to figure out the right way to include

The script added to the package to patch the rest of the packages was generated with diff between the packages from clean oacs-5-4 and modified oacs-5-4:
diff -crNB ~/oacs-5-4/packages/$package_name ~/custom-oacs-5-4/packages/$package_name

This work was done in collaboration with Innova - UNED.

.LRN Meetings

Created by Alvaro Rodriguez, last modified by Alvaro Rodriguez 10 Mar 2010, at 04:41 AM

Next Meeting: 2010-03-10 18:00 CET/CEST Convert to your local time


  • .LRN 2.6 Release

Previous Meetings


Educational Wiki (Eduwiki) Tool

Created by Hector Amado, last modified by Hector Amado 07 Oct 2009, at 11:34 PM

Educational Wiki  (Eduwiki)


The Educational Wiki (Eduwiki) Package is a Wiki tool based on xowiki, Eduwiki aims to be a simple tool for Wiki pages creation in the educational context.
This package lets the teacher to easily define Eduwiki Activities,  there are three Eduwiki Types activities:  Teacher Wiki,  Group Wiki and Student Wiki.
Teacher Wiki activity is a single Wiki Activity managed by the Teacher,  Teacher may set permissions to the students to read and write Wiki pages.
Group Wiki activity creates a Wiki per Group, Teacher may set permissions to read and write Wiki pages by other groups members.
Student Wiki type creates individual Wiki pages per student,  each student can edit an create Wiki pages, teacher may set permissions to the rest of students to view and edit student Wiki pages.

How to Install

Eduwiki package works on: Postgresql 8.2.x+

dotlrn 2.4.1
xowiki 0.116
xotcl-core 0.106
ajaxhelper 0.87d

Installation process:

1. Get the following packages from HEAD:  eduwiki,  eduwiki-portlet,  dotlrn-eduwiki
2. Save packages to packages dir in your .LRN installation
3. Browse to Package Manager to install new packages (eduwiki,  eduwiki-portlet,  dotlrn-eduwiki)
4. Restart the server
5. Activate the applet in a course

Release Notes

Name: Educational Wiki (eduwiki)
Version:  0.1d3 (July 2009)
Developed by:  Hector Amado (Galileo University)
Designed by: Rocael Hernández, Byron Linares (Galileo University)
Requirements by: Daniel Contreras, Rocael Hernández (Galileo University)

Provides a simple interface to create Wiki Activities,  Teacher may set permissions to read, write and create Wiki Pages.
Provides a simple interface to create Wiki Pages (a no-brainer 1 click), and easily include and manipulate web assets such as flash, videos, images, etc.

The package is an OO extension of xowiki,  leaves xowiki package unmodified, is based in XOWiki, since it is a very well maintained tool,  and have many of the desired features such as: easy content tool (plus the advantage that a wiki tools is becoming more and more common), directories, versioning, basic template management, variables, multi-language support.
It provides portlets for .LRN

Technical specs

The Educational Wiki (eduwiki) Package is an OO extension of xowiki.  It's based on Policy ::xowiki::policy3, to set permissions per pages.

A new proc was created to manage Eduwiki Activities, eduwiki::set_eduwiki_permissions,  this proc set permissions to new pages based
on the activity definition.


Start and end date editing functionality
Integration with evaluation package

Time/Topics Planner for dotLRN Courses

Created by Alvaro Rodriguez, last modified by Alvaro Rodriguez 01 Sep 2009, at 04:12 PM


.LRN Blocks View is an additional View to .LRN Communities or Classes.

The Blocks View works by integrating all kinds of activities or resources of a community to a simple interface where everything is treated by the object id no matter what the object type is, and creating a new behavior to the activities according to the object type.

The new interface becomes the Community Home and is organized by blocks, there are currently 2 formats for the blocks:
  • Weekly Format
    • Each block represents a week, the weeks start to count the day the community starts, this value is set in the Course Settings of the Blocks View.
    • The current weeks is highlighted.
  • Topics Format
    • Each block represents a topic, all the activities and resources in this block are related to the topic, in this format the start date of the community is not relevant.
    • This format lets the teacher selects the current topic and highlights that topic automatically until it is deselected or another topic is selected, only one topic can be selected at a time.

This option is available for all communities inside the dotlrn-admin-portlet, there's a link to enable/disable this view, when the view is enabled a default empty block is created inside the community (this initial block it is always shown on top with no format) and it automatically mounts the packages needed (evaluation, assessment, forums, content, xowiki, chat) on the community.

Course Settings

In the Course Settings of the Blocks View we can set:
  • the number of blocks, if the number of blocks selected is greater than the current blocks, the extra blocks needed are created, if the number of blocks selected is lower than the current blocks the rest of the blocks are simply not displayed but never deleted.
  • the start date, this is used to set the start day for the weekly format.
  • the format, weekly or topics.

Blocks Basics

To add objects to a block there is a section inside each block where we can select the type of activity/resource we want to add and it lead us to the specific interface of that object type to create a new object or we can go to choose an existing activity from an interface showing all the available activities.

Each block has the following options:
  • Add a summary, this is a small text that we can add to be shown on top of the block to describe the block's content.
  • Show/Hide, we can choose which blocks we want to make available for students.
  • Move, the blocks can be ordered by using a drag n drop option to move them or doing a manual move by moving the block one position at a time.

Blocks Objects Basics

Each object inside a block has the following options:
  • Show/Hide, we can choose which object we want to make available for students.
  • Move, the objects can be ordered inside the same block or moved to a different block by using the drag n drop option.
  • Indent, the objects can be indent right or left, this is just for visual purposes and it has no side effect on the behavior of the objects.
  • Edit, this link lead us to the specific edit interface depending on the object type.
  • Delete, this link deletes the reference of the object with the block and if the object is not referenced by another block it deletes the object as well.

Technical Specs

The relations between all the packages integrated with blocks are handled by using callbacks, this callbacks are declared in the blocks context and the implemented in each package context.

The callbacks used are:
Specific callbacks: These callbacks need to be implemented for each package  because it must return the url for different actions on an specific object type.
  1. search::url
  2. planner::edit_url
  3. planner::delete_url
Standard callbacks: These callbacks are implemented once because there's no difference in the code needed for all packages.*
  1. planner::extend_form
  2. planner::insert_object

* The only package with a different implementation for the standard callbacks is the file-storage, the objects of the file-storage cannot be treated only with the object_id because there are different types of objects (url, file or folder) and to be able to choose a file we might need to navigate inside some folders, so in this case the value for the block id is passed in the cookies and the cookies are validated by the parameter return_url.

A New Package

A new package was created based on xowiki called "pages" to accomplish the integration of xowiki with the blocks view, xowiki is not a usual package so it was not possible to add the callbacks in the same way as the rest of the packages, a lot of procs needed to be changed and to avoid adding too much code to xowiki we created an independent package.  This package requires xowiki as it uses all the xowiki classes and procs.

This package works just like xowiki but using a different policy to let the users only work with ::xowiki::Page and ::xowiki::PlainPage, adding new pages can be handled only from the blocks interface because it needs a block to associate the page with. The package has a callback "after-mount" to set the permissions to not inherit from parent and only swa can admin that package.

Navigation Bar

The blocks view provides a navigation bar in the master section (only inside of the community), this bar show all the objects inside the blocks on that community and you can go to any object on any block. If you're inside an object page, the navigation focuses on that object (this is done by sending a parameter to the master with the object_id) and enables the navigation to the next and previous object (if possible).


This .LRN Planner went through scalability tests because it has it's own data model which links objects from all the other resources tables, if this is used as every single course home organizer it could become slow know that needs to get specific information from different tables for every object. 

The solution for this matter was to group all the activities of a course for a specific type, get the information by groups and leave it in aolserver's cache, this involves a lot of extra code to keep the cache up-to-date, this is completely handled to make the planner a powerful solution for every course in .LRN.

Project Documentation

This paper was presented in the 7th OpenACS/.LRN Conference, you can check out the conference paper.

How to Install

Works on:
Postgresql 8.2.x +
Oracle 9i +

dotlrn 2.4.1
xowiki 0.106.1
xotcl-core 0.100
ajaxhelper 0.87d

Installation process:

  1. Get the following packages from branch oacs-5-4: dotlrn-all, xowiki, xotcl-core
  2. Get the following packages from HEAD: planner, pages, ajaxhelper
  3. Move to the planner-patch folder in the planner package folder and run the, this will patch all the files from other packages to integrate them with the planner new features
    1. To run the script:
      • /$path_to_planner_patch/$  sh
  4. Install dotlrn, then install xowiki, xotcl-core, planner, pages and ajaxhelper
  5. Restart the server
  6. Activate the Planner View in a course admin portlet

Release Notes

Name: .LRN Planner
Version: 1.0b (July 2009)
Developed by: Alvaro Rodriguez (Viaro Networks)

  • Full integration with dotlrn resources: evaluation, assessment, forums, file-storage, HTML and Text Pages (using the Pages package)
  • Use of aolserver cache to assure scalability
  • Weeks and topics formats available
  • Provides a completely independent course home
This is how the Planner View looks.

Technical Specs

The planner works by linking activities by calling the callbacks that have been added to other packages in the add forms to be able to link the resources from those packages to the planner blocks. The callbacks extend the form of a new object to receive the page_id to be linked to and inserts the objects to the page once it has been created in the submit section of the form.

Each callback is defined and implemented in the planner-procs, in the following way:
ad_proc -public -callback "callback_name" -impl planner
if a package needs a different implementation of a callback it should be done in the package callbacks procs in the following way:
ad_proc -public -callback "callback_name" -impl $package_key
This callbacks are used inside the page that has the form for creating/editing new in the following way:
callback -catch -impl planner "callback_name" -params...

To add a new package to the activities available in the planner, the callbacks should be added to the file(s) where the objects are created, i.e. forum-new, task-add-edit, etc.
  1. A new parameter called block_id needs to be added to the ad_page_contract
  2. The following callback should be added in a place where the form can be extended
    • callback -catch -impl planner planner::extend_form -name $form_name -block_id $block_id
  3. The following callback should be added in the submit section of the form after the object has been created
    • callback -catch -impl planner planner::insert_object -name $object_name -block_id $block_id -object_id $object_id
  4. The activity should be added to the index, select-activity and get-activities pages in the planner package, check out the existing activities sections to figure out the right way to include 
  5. Depending on the activity, other lines of code need to be added to keep the consistency with the use of aolserver's cache, to keep it up-to-date with objects add/edit/delete actions.

The script added to the package to patch the rest of the packages was generated with diff between the packages from clean oacs-5-4 and modified oacs-5-4:
diff -crNB ~/oacs-5-4/packages/$package_name ~/custom-oacs-5-4/packages/$package_name

This work was done in collaboration with Innova - UNED.

.LRN Get Involved!

Created by Rocael Hernández Rizzardini, last modified by Rocael Hernández Rizzardini 24 Oct 2007, at 07:13 PM

Get Involved in .LRN!

Being an open source project organized as a Consortium allows .LRN users to actively participate within the community, the main collaboration processes and areas are:

  1. .LRN application features and enhancements: since its inception, .LRN has been enhanced with new features and applications, almost all of them contributed by .LRN adopters, whether they are end users, commercial vendors, institutions or organizations. Everyone is welcome to contribute to .LRN. Contributions of new applications and features might have more adopters and further contributions of those adopters, at the same time contributors are encouraged to become package (application) maintainers. If you want to know more how to contribute, and what is the process, contact the .LRN Leadership team.
  2. .LRN core enhancements: .LRN is continuously evolving and enhancing its core functionalities and applications, contributions and work on this area is encouraged. .LRN core changes usually go into more detailed revision, which means that superior review is done in order to guarantee high quality in the short and long term. Contact the .LRN Leadership team to discuss core enhancements, usually a formal proposal of your suggestions is the way to start contributing, better if that comes with the resources or code to make it happen.
  3. .LRN specific application collaboration: .LRN users, including its members are continuously finding and forming synergies and projects that allows them to collaborate in a give application or extension. The forums are open for anyone to express their desire of working in something, and usually collaboration can be set up through direct contact. If you want to contact some specific member of the Consortium, send an email to the Board of the .LRN Consortium and we'll introduce you to possible peers on someone you might want to contact.
  4. .LRN End User Club: this is a new initiative to gather together interested users of .LRN, and share best practices in using .LRN and in e-learning in general. At this point please use the .LRN forum at to post your comments, suggestions, questions on anything related to .LRN.
Institutions and .LRN adopters have found many benefits comes from participating in .LRN, most of them are obvious, but important to mention are:
  • Share and get your applications used by many parties which usually ends having greater feedback and finally better applications
  • Share yours enhancements and needs that are good for the toolkit, something that easies further upgrades of the platform.
  • Lead and influence in the evolution of .LRN
Any .LRN user or interested party is encouraged to participate.

Check the dotLRN_Roadmap for more information.

Content development tools options

Created by Rocael Hernández Rizzardini, last modified by Rocael Hernández Rizzardini 19 Oct 2007, at 03:18 AM

Content development tools options

 This is a discussion of content creation tools for Learning Objects, related to the LORS package.


  • (First stage implemented by Galileo, check Content Package)--> XOWiki, as it is a very well maintained tool, and have many of the desired features such as: easy content tool (plus the advantage that a wiki tools is becoming more and more common), directories, versioning, flexible built-in features to handle content more easily (including positioning and segmentation), basic template management, variables, multi-language support.
  • LORSM contains support for sequencing arbitraty Xowiki pages. TODO includes allowing export of XOwiki content as plain HTML from LORSM. I think this approach is working very well and is less error prone than the technique used in LORS-Central. Another key feature are the simplified file/image upload widgets which make it easier to add media to an Xowiki page. ALso see the Xowiki::File approach which only works in XOwiki. Either of these might be good to allow linking media into course content (assuming the media is part of a "page") DAVEB
  • Another interesting approach would be to provide import/export facilities from xowiki into IMS CP format.
  • LORS Central built-in editor (for web pages)
  • Word 1-click integration to lors-central
  • Never try to be a dreamweaver online, that is too sophisticated for our end users, although c/p from dreamweaver or upload from it should be allowed.
  • an interesting tool for content creation is eLearning XHTML editor
  • Others?


  • Full review of the tools available, possible approaches, etc.
  • Build a prototype that gets near to what the short term objectives are.
  • Basic review of the lors-central and xowiki: both support well edition, seems that xowiki will do better with template management.


Check these courses, click on a modulo.

User: usuariosat  Pass: usuariosat 

Community members interests:

  • Galileo University
  • Valencia University


Short term

  • The Content Package (that runs atop of xowiki) already provides this (18/oct/2007 by Galileo):
    • Provide a simple interface to create web pages, and easily include and manipulate web assets such as flash, videos, images, etc.Provide a set on web templates, easy to manage, like PPT templates.
    • Provide collaborative content creation tools while being able to set up roles easily.
    • Folder, subfolders, pages ordering.
    • Free of "standards" approaches, so professors with basic word knowledge can use it.
    • If use of already existing content creation tools is considered, try to keep it as customization rather than a fork (specially for xowiki case)
  • See above LORSM already works with the standard Xowiki package (no idea if its already commited, where and if its ready for grab and production use?? [roc])

Mid term

  • Export to SCORM / IMS-CP automatically, almost with zero knowledge of the standards themselves.
  • Import/Publish to LORS one click feature.

Long term

  • Workflow definition.
  • Third parties API / resources integration (Flickr, Google, Amazon, YouTube, others)


Modelling Learners Preferences

Created by Olga C. Santos, last modified by Olga C. Santos 09 May 2007, at 04:57 PM

Modelling Learners Preferences



This wiki was started in the Workshop on Experiences on Accessible eLearning Platforms at OpenACS and .LRN Spring Conference, Vienna 2007. More info in the corresponding presentation

As pointed out by Daveb, the section has been renamed to Modelling Learnes Preferences, since user preferences are separate from a learning system.

The goal is to build in OpenACS support for learners modelling by gatherig data about learners from different sources:

  • Learning Styles (Felder test)
  • IMS-QTI questionnaires
  • Active (create) and passive (read) interactions

There is a need for the integration with processing mechanisms and specifications representations, such as data mining algorithms (Weka), multi-agent sytems (JADE agents) or RDF management (Sesame toolkit), among others.

Two scenarios:

  • Semantic based (specifications)
  • Usage of the platform services

Other ideas:

  • Use the same API to produce the layout (SCORM and IMS-LD)


  • bottom up approach

Standards and Specifications:

  • CC/PP
  • URC
  • ...

Community members showing interest:

  • aDeNu Research Group (UNED)
  • UC3M: can offer the information gathered to the author to provide the learning path
  • ...


  • Extend user tracking
  • Extend data model
  • ...
Last modified: 2007-05-09 16:57:54.231829+02 

.LRN Motions (DRAFT)

Created by Carl Blesius, last modified by Gustaf Neumann 01 Feb 2007, at 10:43 AM

[DRAFT] .LRN Motions Document


A .LRN motion is a formal statement of a proposal or question to the .LRN Core Team for consideration and action.

Steps in Presenting .LRN Motions 

  1. Items are presented by .LRN members to the .LRN Core Team in the .LRN Motions Forum. The title must have the motion number, "Proposed", and a short description in it. Example: ".LRN Motion #1 (Proposed): .LRN Motion Rules"
  2. A .LRN Core Team (LCT) member then must second motion. The title must have "Seconded" in it. Example: ".LRN Motion #1 (Seconded): .LRN Motion Rules"
  3. Debate. Anyone may post a thread followup. Thread followups must directly address the original .LRN Motion.
  4. Any LCT member may vote Approval or Disapproval of a Motion. These replies can be titled "Seconded", "Thirded", or "Vetoed".
  5. Once we have a final status for a TIP, the original title is edited to reflect that.
    ".LRN Motion #1 (Approved): .LRN Motion Rules"
  6. All LCT members must subscribe to the forum.
  7. If a new Motion gets Seconded and Thirded and not Vetoed in the first week after posting, it is Approved. If it gets at least one Veto, the proposer must summarize objections and call for a full vote in a reply titled "Call for Full Vote". Previous Second/Third/Veto votes are then null, and the LCT members vote with replies titled "Approve" or "Disapprove". If, after two weeks of full voting, the Motion has two thirds approval, it is Approved. If not, it is Disapproved.
  8. After a Motion is Approved or Disapproved, the thread is closed to new posts.
  9. If a Motion is approved, a ticket is entered into the bugtracker under the proposer's name. 

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